Last January I declared 2015 to be the Year of Pleasure. (You can read my post HERE.)
And I’m pleased to report that I indeed delivered PLEASURE all year round:
STRAIGHT, NO CHASER : Wordsmithing + Brand Strategy : Two packages I’m now offering to help you sparkle up your brand or build it from the ground up. We work together to get clear-as-vodka on the archetypal resonances you bring to your brand and I help you write unforgettable copy for your website, blog, newsletters and/or social media. Find out more on my brand new WORK WITH ME page!
PLEASURE YOURSELF : 5-day Playshop : Create a more provocative brand and feel released and uninhibited in your biz + life. This revised baby will get you ready to launch one of your own programs, classes or services with fun and seductive “drip-tease” marketing strategies. Pleasure Yourself rolls out on February 15th; plus, this round I have some incredible guest teachers. Check it out ASAP!
YEMAYA WITHIN : 4-Week Sadhana : For women only this round – Soak in daily ritual, devotional + meditation practices to amplify Unconditional Love. Want to open your heart wider and French Kiss life? Join me (and the goddess Yemaya) in March 2016. Sign up HERE.
ENCHANT YOUR BRAND : My 8-week flagship archetypal branding course returns again in October 2016!
TAROT READINGS : I started promoting tarot readings on Facebook in 2015. Most of you probably don’t know that I’ve been reading tarot since I was about 12 years old. I’ve enjoyed doing them sooooo much! Check these new intuitive offerings on my website that I know you’ll love: New Moon | Romantic Relationship | Intuitive Biz Strategy
CEO OF PLEASURE : 6-week Online Group Mastermind : Wishing for more ease, more joy, more pleasure in your business? Here’s an aphrodisiacal tonic to help you step into your Sovereignty as the Visionary CEO of your brand + biz. Cabins limited to 12 sassy + sexy soulpreneurs who are committed to only being their very best, most pleasurable selves.
GET RAW : 3-Month Private Pleasure Brand Experience : My *only* one-on-one immersion planned for 2016. It’s just you n’ me getting raw + real with your branding and marketing. I’m only taking entrepreneurs who are ready-n-willing to come out of hiding and expose their true, authentic selves. Coming soon.
BREATHLESS : Brand new 21-day Writing Workshop to practice deep heart listening.
UPCOMING BOOKS : I’m writing two books this year that began to speak to me last year. One is sacred erotic fiction based on The Little Mermaid. The other is a non-fiction book entitled, Eros Unbound: Bringing Soul Back into the Boardroom and the Bedroom.
ORACLE CARDS : I’m developing a deck of oracle cards specifically to help pioneering entrepreneurs + corporateers brand with imagination and intuition at the helm. I’ve got an awesome partner to help me with the design … details will roll out in a few months. I hope with all of my heart that we can complete the project this year and have them ready for beta in 2017!
I’d love to know YOUR Pleasure Plan for 2016. Write in the comments below and tell me:
[pullquote width=”600″ float=”left”]
In 2016, I am totally committed to working with only the most Pleasurable and dreamy clients who [fill in a description of a client that you want to marry!][/pullquote]
[pullquote width=”600″ float=”left”]I am SO excited about creating [project/course/book/etc #1] and [project/course/book/etc #2].[/pullquote]
[pullquote width=”600″ float=”left”]But mostly the biggest PLEASURE priority in my biz will be [fill in the blank with that something that makes your soul sing].[/pullquote]