Your 2017 Annual Entrepreneur Sacred Feminine & Masculine Tarotcast!


Here’s the picture of the tarot spread and link to the audio recording for my 2017 Annual Entrepreneur forecast for Sacred Masculine-Feminine.


Link to listen to the audio recording:

The recording is an hour long! So, I’m going to give you the recap until you have the desire and the time to listen to the whole reading…

The 3 cards representing the overarching themes for the upcoming year were all 7 cards!

7-7-7 means divine intervention and that God/dess Divine has a hand in all of our good … of course. But they really emphasized this point by giving us this sign of the 3 sevens.

Rather than worrying about the outcome of all of your projects, dreams and plans, protect yourself by remaining in your pure truth.

Focus on your strengths!

Commit to Unconditional Love in all of it’s forms and spread that love everywhere you can.

And, love partnerships of a divine nature are going to be well underway in 2017 … the focus will be less on romance and on more practical, building a stronger financial and resourceful foundation for the union.

Forgive yourself and others for what needs to be left behind.

Do not fear “death” – the small deaths that come with endings because there will always be new life.


And, in 2017 we will see the rise of the Sacred Masculine into his new form. We often perceive the masculine through the eyes of patriarchy – the Wounded Masculine. He is reshaping himself into an embodiment of his pure Truth. He will not back down and at the same time he is ever more loving and accepting of his Sacred Feminine. He wants her to be in her full power and knows that it will not diminish his own in any way. He can be himself again.

The Sacred Masculine’s vision will set us free to LOVE in new ways. This is a love that FREES us, not about obligation, but pure love for the sake of itself.

Sacred Feminines will have to completely change their point of view about their masculine counterparts! Some have already.

It will feel very different. Just remain open minded and open hearted throughout the year.

It is an earthy, manifestation year. Lots of kundalini awakening and bringing Heaven to Earth in not just dreamy and wishful ways, but truly practical applications that can begin to usher in changes we’ve all wanted for so long.

Hope the reading is helpful and serves you well. Please feel free to email me comments or questions.

Wishing you a blessed 2017!


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