2017: A year of deep transformation and cleansing.

Photo by Ray Powers, Morro Bay, December 9, 2017.


A year of endings…

Abrupt change.
New Home.

View of Thomas Fire from HWY 150, as I was leaving Ojai to evacuate to Carpinteria. You can see Lake Casitas with flames just coming over the hill.

On December 6, 2017 I packed a few vital possessions and my most precious treasure, Saraphina, into my car. Thomas, now reported to be the third largest wildfire in California history, was billowing smoke and sending flames into Ojai.

I moved to Ojai on October 15th, less than two months before the fire.

One of the lucky ones, the farmhouse that I share with my dear friend Kristina was spared of Thomas’ destructive streak.

The photo of my hand holding the sand dollar was taken during my “evacucation” with my friend Ray. I can’t begin to express the joy I felt at finding not just one sand dollar, but TWO.

I’ve never found these beautiful treasures before. While walking on the beach in Morro Bay, CA, I heard an internal voice tell me to walk towards a black rock that was to my left. The voice told me to hurry …

When I looked down, I saw my first, white and completely pristine sand dollar! I ran over to Ray and showed him immediately! I was excited and for the first time in many, many months I felt HOPE.

I prayed and sang to my ocean mother, Yemanja, and released the sand dollar back into the sea.

About 5 seconds later, I turned and saw another sand dollar! It was larger than the first and tinted with a rusty orange-yellow tone. I knew this one was meant to be given as a gift to Ray, who lost his exquisite Matillija Canyon home to Thomas. (You can read his poignant story on his GoFundMe.com fire relief donation page)

This year has transformed the landscape of my life. The fire was completely symbolic of the cleansing that was necessary for me to move forward in my life.

I lost my mother, Rose Marie Reed, on February 25, 2017, 11:55-ish PM.

It was a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces that day. My mom, born 3-3-49, was a Pisces, so the lunar eclipse was meant to be her portal of exit.

I want to tell the story of my last communication with my mother before she left the planet and became an angel of Unconditional Love. There were words of love and strong encouragement. And there were prophesies.

One such prophesy was that there was a major natural disaster coming at the end of the year (2017). Mom told me not to fear, that I would be ok. That my family would be safe.

First we had the Thomas Fire and then the Montecito mudslides. My heart goes out to all who have lost their homes and/or family members and friends.

The second prophesy was a riddle of sorts.

Mom told me, “Live your life like you only have one year to live.”

I immediately felt a tinge of fear take hold of me. I asked her, “Do you mean I will literally die, or metaphorically die in a year from now?”

She didn’t answer at first. I felt so much love and compassion flowing towards me from her etheric body, now standing before me.

“You will decide whether to live or die. It is up to you.”

She appeared to me on February 25, 2017 about 3 hours before her physical death. I’m not sure how I want to mark the anniversary of her death. I know it is a sacred day that I must observe with tenderness and complete presence.

In the weeks to come I will share more about her visitation. There has been so much for me to unpack with this particular supernatural experience, despite the fact that I’ve had a lifetime of them. This was the soul of my mother. It was one of the most beautiful, transcendent experiences of my life – and so difficult to put into words.

Thank you for being here as my witness. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for reading my words and taking them in.

If you feel called to share in any way – feelings, experiences, encouragement – please share right here in the comments.

With deep love + pleasure,


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