As I began working on December’s astrology forecasts, I channeled messages from a divine, otherworldly being that was feminine. She called herself an “Archeia” – in other words one of the feminine archangels!
I normally channel Goddesses and mer-spirits, but this is the first time a feminine angel came through so loud and clear.
The Archeia that came through is named Hope and travels in a triad with two other feminine archangels you may have heard of, Faith and Charity.
According to author and channeler of female archangels, Claire Stone, Hope is known as ‘Wish of the Goddess’ and is the angel of manifesting abundance, summoning optimism and joy.
Hope is considered to be the Twin Flame counterpart to masculine archangel Gabriel. Gabriel is most famous for his appearance in the New Testament as the angel who announces to Mary of Nazareth that she will give birth to Jesus. For this reason, Gabriel is associated with the throat chakra and communication–not unlike the god Mercury who is the ruler of this year’s final full moon!
Our final full moon of 2021 on December 18th falls at 27 degrees Gemini, and this special lunation will help us end the year on a more festive and flirty note than the previous year – whilst we were isolating to stay safe. The energy is markedly different now. Many may do away with long distance travel (which is riskier) and opt for connecting with those closest to home and hearth. Humans need other humans to thrive, and this full moon in Gemini, the chattiest and most social of the sun signs, supports and encourages light-hearted connections.
Gemini is the sign of the twins and emphasizes duality: light and shadow, masculine and feminine, good and evil. This time holds a golden opportunity to look in the mirror of our shadow selves and hold the tension between opposing forces with greater love and compassion, both for self and other. In fact, we can take this time to reflect and remember that there is no “other”–we are all dancing sparkles of golden light within a unified field, which is exactly how Hope appeared to me in my vision.
Hope’s message that she wishes me to pass on is that she has come to our consciousness at this time to help us openly befriend, express and discuss our shadow sides with awareness and compassion.
Outer conditions try to convince us that we are isolated and disconnected. When the Shadow is mirrored through our beloved family, friends, intimate partners and work colleagues we can learn deeper compassion by opening our hearts and minds to accept and love all our beautiful imperfections, foibles and vulnerabilities. The shadow helps us reconnect with our wounded inner child … and take it out for long walks and talks in the forest. Listening to its voice is a deeply healing act within itself.
a partner who
supports your dreams
and your healing
is a priceless gem,
a heaven in human form.
– Yung Pueblo / Selfless Love
I am completely enamored with the concept by Yung “a heaven in human form,” and in reflection I’m filled with deep gratitude with just how many “heavens” I’m so lucky to have in my life:
The piano teacher who told me I would never make it as a composer because I started too late and had run out of time (at age 23!!!!).
The cruel babysitter (at age 11) who told me I was so spoiled and selfish that I didn’t really deserve all the good things I had – WOW. Project much?
The mentor who told me how getting married and having a baby would make it impossible to complete my dissertation and Ph.D. (Well, I completed my dissertation & graduated from Pacifica in 2010!)
How about you? Who are the people that seemed like “hells” rather than “heavens” to you at the time–who you now realize were an integral part of your destiny?
This full moon and the incredible Venus retrograde cycle that will commence on December 19, 2021 will activate many of these same scenarios and bring out what seems the best in some people and the worst in others.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed throughout the coming weeks, connect with Archeia Hope, Wish of the Goddess, by repeating her name three times and inviting her golden, yellow incandescent light into your aura and body. Feel the warmth of her love and joy flow through you. Make your wishes and desires known to her, then watch the magic and miracles unfold!
How I’d love to see you use these horoscopes is to see areas where you can express the main themes that the month holds for you–maybe through artistic endeavors or simply applying them to your relationships and personal growth.
Wishing you a bright and beautiful close to 2021!
Themes for December:
Dare to Dream, Share Your Philosophy With The World, Mind & Body Travel
Themes for December:
Big Money, Bold Moves, Fiery Partnership
Themes for December:
Cozy Commitments, Love & Intimacy Reboot, Busy At Work
Themes for December:
Departures Leave Room For New Arrivals, The World Is Your Stage, Focus On Work & Home Stability
Themes for December:
True Love, Having Fun, Reviving Pleasure
Themes for December:
Moving Home, New Locations Spark Curiosity, Family/Parental Focus
Themes for December:
Travel Near & Far, Catching Up With Siblings & Close Friends, Delay Signing Contracts & Beauty Procedures If Possible
Themes for December:
Increase Income, Change In Employment, Focus on Calm & Beauty Within & Without
Themes for December:
Make 10 Birthday Wishes, Feeling Unconditional Love, Miracles
Themes for December:
Relax & Restore, New Year Plan, Meditate, Creativity
Themes for December:
Optimism & Hope, New Romance, Career Recognition
Themes for December:
Being Center Stage, Brilliance, Rewards, Career Achievements
I’m a channel of the sacred feminine, author, archetypal brand strategist and a business & life coach who inspires creative, magical women to embody their unique feminine essence so they can bring in more prosperity, joy and sensuality into their lives.
Once upon a time, I was a corporate marketing director and lead website developer for some pretty big names, including Citrix Online, E! Entertainment Television, Disney, ABC, Paramount Pictures. I once made my employer $1 million with a single newsletter. (Not bad for a goddess-loving, hippy drummer chick.)
I’m devoted to revolutionizing how women heal themselves through the archetypes of the sacred feminine so that they can shine as their authentic selves with ease and grace.
My coaching programs, online courses, live retreats and books inspire women around the world to get turned on and create a life & business filled to the brim with pleasure!
Magical woman, if you’re done with struggling and trying to figure it out on your own and you’re ready for SACRED and DIVINE TRANSFORMATION, then I invite you to have a heart-to-heart chat with me. Bring a cup of tea or your favorite kombucha, and let’s map out your sensual Goddess makeover together.
Click the link below and let’s get your juicy ascension started.