The past two weeks while I visited Cambridge, Glastonbury and London, I met many people from all walks of life. All were entrepreneurs (no matter their employment status). All were bringers of beauty.
Two of them were wait staff at a restaurant across from the Tate Modern.
One was a former flight attendant.
Some were writers, artists and dancers.
Others were tarot readers, healers, coaches, scientists and lawyers.
One was a psychologist.
No matter the vehicle of their livelihood, ALL were actually playful, enchanted beings. I was able to experience each person as they were immersed in their Passion Body. They infused every action and decision with committed and courageous passion.
Passion is what makes us go the distance in all things.
Right now, think of someone you feel so passionate about that you couldn’t live without them. Just the thought of the object of your desire takes your breath away.
Most likely you’re smiling and feeling turned on. You can walk into any room right now and light it up. You’re burning bright.
It’s your true passion radiating out of your entire being.
Passion propels relationships to go the distance. It’s the same for your personal, creative and work projects. When you enter into your passion, you commit to stay with something until the end, all the way through to completion.
That is how you can feel every time you do your work.
Work no longer feels like work (blech). It feels like play.
To others your work is like a sexy, mysterious novel they can’t stop reading.
Play first, work after. Innovate more.
What I want for all of us is THIS: blazing hot and deeply pleasurable creation.
Don’t bother changing the world for the better.
Create a new one.
You’ll get online individual support daily in our private Facebook group, weekly mini-tarot readings, bi-weekly masterminds, quarterly writing retreats, all of my online business courses and marketing guides, and a treasure trove of meditations.
Higher Ground is your magic carpet ride into the future *you* desire to co-create with Divine Intelligence … and a space for savouring the erotic, the sacred and the mystical within you.
Kris is a brand strategist and marketing copywriter that coaches creative and spiritually-minded entrepreneurs who are determined to find more meaning, magic AND profit in their businesses.
She was a once a corporate marketing director and lead website developer for some pretty big names, including Citrix Online, E! Entertainment Television, Disney, ABC, Paramount Pictures. She even made her employer $1 million with a single e-newsletter once.
But, like you, she heard the siren’s call and decided to pursue a life of pleasure, doing what she loves.
She has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs create a business and livelihood that feels otherworldly … seductive … enthralling … and totally pleasure-soaked.
When Kris isn’t working, you can find her priestessing rituals, writing mermaid erotica, dancing Indian classical and fusion styles, playing her congas, or frolicking in the surf with her 10-year old girl.