About last weekend …
Hello Gorgeous, I recently spent 3 days in deep service to the Divine Feminine – and to women around the world who were ready to fall deeper in love with themselves and all of life. Who were ready to ditch…
Hello Gorgeous, I recently spent 3 days in deep service to the Divine Feminine – and to women around the world who were ready to fall deeper in love with themselves and all of life. Who were ready to ditch…
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore….
Greetings Beloved, This is a guided activation to connect to Lilith and activate her archetypal powers, style, tone and ethics within you. In addition, you may receive special messages from her and creative ideas. I recommend having a journal or…
Before I take your hand and dive into the lusciousness of our second Sirenalia, just wanted to take a moment to slow down, see how you are. With the world spinning in the most erratic orbit we’ve experienced in our…
Lilith: Sovereign Goddess of Radical Self-Acceptance In the final episode of this series on Sacred Pleasure, I discuss the ancient Near Eastern Goddess, #Lilith. In Jewish folklore, we learn that Lilith was Adam’s equal, his original wife-partner, but fled the…
Recently, Annalisa Derr, Ph.D candidate at Pacifica Graduate Institute and creatrix of Journey to the Goddess, came to Ojai to interview me about why it’s important to infuse our daily life, including our businesses, with sacred pleasure. We were lucky…
This is a reading of the beginning of Chapter 6 of Deida’s book, Dear Lover. “Your body’s openness—your capacity to surrender open with your whole body so your heart can be ravished and taken by love—is a doorway to ecstatic…