The formula is basic:
Pleasuring Yourself = Increasing Your Business Creativity + Productivity.
Today I’m taking an exercise from my book Return to Enchantment that I DARE you to try. My intention is to have you practice sacred sexuality and sensuality in ways that feel both safe and delicious for YOU.
Part 1. Make a list of ways to express your sensuality + sexuality that feel spine-tingly, fun and safe. For those of you feeling more adventurous and bold, GO FOR IT! Take off from wherever you are.
Here’s my list (some of the items are a bit more edgy *for me*–may be super tame for you–but I’m feeling the need to explore my boundaries):
Part 2. Choose at least 1 item on your list and engage in it BEFORE tackling your work.
This is probably going to challenge you. For me, I’m such a workaholic that I always use pleasure as a reward AFTER my work is all done. And, quite often I forget to indulge myself in my reward.
But if you do something suweeet for yourself before even starting the work, my theory is that you’ll be more energized, directed, creative and blissful when you approach your tasks.
We love flogging ourselves. So, let’s just stop that once and for all … at least for today!
Part 3. Journal about your experience. Spend time recording how you felt by rewarding yourself with pleasure first.
Were you more productive? More creative? Happier? Relaxed?
Did it detract from your work in any way? What were your reservations/objections?
If you found this to be a revelation, how will you include this in your work on a regular basis?
Tell us in the comments below …