Create an Annual Goal that Doesn’t Overwhelm You + Speaks to Your Soul.

spadayWe often believe that we need to have looong lists of goals and intentions to create a fruitful year.

The truth is we don’t.

I’m working more and more in my zone of genius these days. One of these is helping other entrepreneurs eradicate burnout and overwhelm and I see that it’s an epidemic among us no matter what the specifics of our livelihoods: teachers, singers, painters, dancers, CEO’s and mothers all have too much on their to-do lists. We are spread too thin.

Today, create only ONE annual goal based on one or two words that have deep meaning for you.

The word/s will be your umbrella to cover you and your activities for the rest of 2015.

You don’t need lists of stuff to do. You need soul food. Inspiration.

My word for the year is Magnetic. Other words that felt connected were play and pleasure.
Think of your words as a universe that you can live in and feel enlivened and joyful and nourished.

Today, I share my 2015 goal with you … to bring more pleasure and play into your life … in all the ways that are ME.

[pullquote width=”300″ float=”left”]In 2015, I want to share my playful and sensual take on business, branding and magic with as many people as I can.

I want to help others feel magnetic… to help people bring their imagination into their work and their bedroom… and, most importantly, to help people see the magical world they create by simply recognizing they are the luminous stardust sparkles dancing and swirling the Universe into being.

Making meditations and writing sexy, irreverent and fun blog posts feels like one way to do this. Sharing vulnerable stories in a Google Hangout feels like another way. Creating a business ecourse adventure using the archetypes of pleasure is another.

At the end of the day, the medium doesn’t really matter.

What matters is sharing playtime and pleasurable moments with as many people as I can — as often as I can, as consistently as I can — no matter what form that takes.

I don’t have to wait for somebody else to give me permission to say YES to my mission.

I can pleasure the people in my life, TODAY.

I can take one more step forward, all by myself, TODAY.

This is my goal. Sticking to it will be my absolute pleasure.

Three short announcements before I end this post:

1. 12 Months of Mermaid Magic: Heal Your Life + Manifest Your Dreams is open for registration until January 25th.

So far the journey has felt magnetic, sexy, joyful and magical. I hope you can join us, as this year-long adventure won’t be repeated again until 2017! CLICK HERE to swim in my pod for a whole year.

2. I’m co-facilitating a 5-week digestion and detox program with my mentor Dr. Deb Kern, beginning January 19th called Clear the Way to a Vibrant Life.

If you wish to sign up, the deadline is Sunday 1/18. We need to allow for a week for the products you need to arrive at your doorstep. CLICK HERE to learn more about the program and sign up. And feel free to reply back to this email if you’d like to discuss.

3. My book Return to Enchantment: Your Guide to Creating A Magical Livelihood is now due for an early February release!

Would you like to play with me on the blog tour? Visit and sign up to be notified when the doors open.

Sending you Oceans of Love, Pleasure and Play for the new year,


Let me know your annual goal that is moving you to your zone of genius in the comments. Inspire us my love!


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