It’s the last month of 2016! This reading will help you make the most out of the end-of-the-year energies.
3 of Pentacles
This month you will get evidence that your work is well regarded and appreciated.
You will likely have a busier December than perhaps you anticipated. Your work does require further refinement … so not quite time to rest on your laurels.
So, you may need to take that well earned vacation in January after this bustling time comes to a close.
The Universe has a mission for you – see it all the way through to completion before taking a snooze. You are guided and sent creative energy and ideas to bring into the world. These projects and products are much needed on the planet right now and your full team of unseen beings are behind you 1000%.
Need an extra hand to get things done more easily over the holidays? Hire interns or temps. More hands make lighter work and will also help you generate a community feeling. Perfect for the holiday season!
No working all alone. No Bah-Humbugs either!
The Sun
LOL!! I know you’re wondering how the Sun card can be a challenge when it’s such a positive omen.
Two extremes can happen when we see the Sun card in a negative position in a reading:
Burnout. Don’t overwork yourself and know and PROTECT your boundaries. You can’t do it all. Speak up for yourself and know that December doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Make time for fun and relaxation.
Getting alll Mediterranean. This is my code word for the Italian goddess in me wanting to be lazy about good healthy habits and just eat, drink and be merry. And take lots of naps, walks on the beach, and long talks over espresso with my sweet friends. Yep, this one’s so me! Try to find the middle ground if you’re truly longing for downtime. There’s nothing wrong with that feeling of needing a break and time to oneself. Just don’t go too overboard, ok?
Find a way to enjoy pleasure breaks – my most favorite thing ever. Get an hour massage. Drink a cup of your favorite tea and sit outside in the sunshine for 20-30 minutes.
2 of Cups
I love this card in this position. It’s the Lover’s card. How appropriate for the holidays that we will be given extra love and support from those around us who love and nurture us. Your love and business partners are there for ya.
Take the time to love and appreciate others as much as they are loving and appreciating you.
This is a great time of balance and harmony in all of your relationships.
Love in all of its forms is here for you. So fill yourself to the brim with all the love that is offered to you and smile and give it all out too. Reciprocate that energy everywhere you can.
Doesn’t that make you want to squeal with glee?! And, breathe a big sigh of relief.
(Yes, take many deep breaths through the nose right now. Feel your shoulders dropping away from your ears. You might want to try one of my favorite deep breathing websites, Do As One. You’ll love it.)
One other scenario I will mention in the challenges section of this reading is the fear of shining. Is that you? Are you having a hard time coming out into the light and show how wonderful, helpful and healing your work is?
Here is my chapter called Shining Your Light from my book, Return to Enchantment. You may want to give it a read. There are journaling reflections and exercises in the book … and a wonderful 3rd Chakra (solar plexus) breathing meditation that you can work with on Soundcloud.
[button url=””]Download the sample chapter.[/button]
Page of Cups
Generally, this card is about playfulness, pleasure, being in beginner’s mind. Another interpretation is being open-hearted and receiving gifts and messages.
So … do you have fears around receiving? Has someone offered you something that feels too good to be true, and you fear that there’s a hook if you accept?
Take time this month to reflect on your openness to receive.
Must accepting gifts, money/payment, freebies, rewards, and love feel so heavy?
Go into the mind and heart of your childlike self. Be playful. Take pleasure in receiving, and express your gratitude. Accept the gifts that are coming to you without fear.
Don’t judge the gifts or feel suspicious about them. Open your arms and act like everyday is Christmas – feel the joy of receiving!
Ace of Cups
Work from the heart. Work devotionally.
Connect with your inner guides and angelic teams as often as possible; especially when you have important assignments to complete or decisions to make. You have a great reservoir of creative, psychic and spiritual help available right now.
The more you consult spirit BEFORE taking action, the better the outcome will be.
Aces also point to beginnings. A new creative project that will bring you much fulfillment and happiness will either come straight from your heart or will be offered to you in December.
You will feel extra love around you during this time. You are a fertile being, overflowing with potential. Use the gifts that you’ve been given to bring peace, love, harmony, happiness and inspiration to the world.
King of Swords
The King of Swords is powerful. He represents mastery of the mind and intellect. December is a great time of accomplishment for you.
I feel like he is also a protector; his stance with his angel wings and sword remind me of the warrior archangel Michael.
He is claiming his space. Are you stepping fully into your power and CLAIMING it? The time is now, my friend. You’re ready.
You are ready to move forward with greater clarity, courage and confidence into the new year.
2016 = 9 year. 9’s are the number of the Hermit. If you felt like you had to go within more this year to rediscover your inner spark and walk your most heartfelt path, this is right on target with the Hermit energy. You may have felt isolated as you journeyed within and without to connect to your spiritual, higher self calling. It was necessary to release old karmic patterns such as negative self-worth patterns. Maybe you had to release partners or a job that was past its due date.
You weathered the storms and destruction of your old structures like a champ. You killed it (both literally and figuratively).
2017 = 10 year, which reduces to 1. Get ready for Unity, connectedness and integration. It’s time to shine your light. Show us what you’ve got.
You are always connected to Divine love and joy. Gently walk your path on Mother Earth and fulfill your purpose. Come back to your center. Come back home to yourself.
You will be completing and celebrating major successes and milestones.
For December I’ll be doing my annual entrepreneur personal forecast readings. It’s a 15 card reading that can be done live or recorded. I will give you the energy and themes for each month of 2017, plus an extra 3 cards for the overall theme of the year.
$77 for recorded with photo of spread. I record the interpretation and send you a link to the audio on Dropbox.
[button url=””]Purchase recorded Annual Entrepreneur Forecast 2017[/button]
$100 for 60 minute one-on-one consultation with the reading. I can answer your questions as we do the reading over phone or Skype.
[button url=”″]Purchase live consult + Annual Entrepreneur Forecast 2017[/button]
“I received a business tarot ready from Kris. I was delighted. I am an artist and the typical business coaching session leaves me uninspired and kinda dry.
Kris’s approach in combining the the tarot with her business skills was very effective for me. It brought the magic and mystery, that I so love, into the dry parts of my work.
I guess what pleased me the most is that she completely spun the concept of business around for me. Kris showed me that the business parts don’t have to be boring, that by mixing it up with the sacred and magical it can be fun and so much more effective. I feel a little like she infused my business with Spirit.
I received great business advice in a way that I could hear it and in a way that I am actually excited to carry out.
I highly recommend a tarot business reading from Kris.”
– Terre Cerridwyn, Cerridwyn Studio
“Kris has such a nurturing warmth and love that just oozes from her every word and act and then you couple it with a natural intuitiveness, skills with tarot cards, and her business savvy, and you have one very special and unique women who thrives in this realm! I loved our soul session together; it was affirming for the direction I’m going in creatively, personally, and professionally and encouraging as well to continue listen to my instincts and intuition in all aspects of my life. I highly recommend doing a business soul strategy session with Kris if you’re going in a new direction with your business or creating a new one from the ground up.”
– Rachel Sarah Thurston, Rachel Sarah Thurston Multimedia
“When you have a reading with Kris, you know it’s going to be a magical experience. It’s not just that she’s got the whole sexy mermaid thing going on, being able to go into the depths of the subconscious and find the pearls and treasures lost to us, bringing them back to the surface.
No, it’s more than that. She sings a siren song that lures us to our dreams, to the steps that we need to explore and to the beat we need to dance to in order for our dreams to become manifest.
In that way, she seduces us with our own wild souls, and entices us to invoke our own inner powers. Her readings are accurate and exploratory, delving into areas of my business ideas that I had been keeping on the back-burner. As we immersed ourselves into the dark seas of these ideas, her readings helped me find my compass, my light and my magic.
Without these, I would still be adrift on a sea of wishes and dreams that would amount to nothing. Now, armed and shimmering with magical ocean spray, I feel more than confident that I can achieve what I want and go after what I need, enchanted and empowered, and wickedly alive.”
– Cynthia Cano, Magical Barista