Fetching Fairytale: Cindie Chavez


The fourth edition of Fetching Fairytales features the maven of love + magic, Cindie Chavez.

Once upon a time …

circleCindiethere was a life and relationship coach named Cindie Chavez.
She lived in the deep south of the U.S., about an hour from New Orleans, LA and spent her days helping busy, creative women to bring their dreams of love and success into reality. She spent her spare hours knitting, reading, bird-watching, meditating, enjoying her garden, writing, drawing, and learning new ways to make magic.

One day she woke up feeling like an essential part of her soul remained hidden, like a butterfly still stuck in her cocoon. She recognized that a huge part of her soul was not being recognized in her business. Her spirituality was not being given space to shine. As if all of her sparkle was hidden somewhere in a dark cave.

princessCindieThen one day, an interviewer introduced her as “The Love & Magic Coach”, and she realized that her light had been trying to shine all along, and that the only one trying to hide it away was herself! That day she decided to own that moniker, and be at peace with letting her spirituality shine.

Her Happily Ever After moment came when a client told her, “I reached out to you because the word Magic struck a chord with me.” Her client went on to get great results, and Cindie never hid her magic again, but instead, she now lets her inner magician have the spotlight.



Cindie has been with me and my enchanted entrepreneurs mastermind for about 2 years now, and I can tell you she is a brilliant light that has graced us continually since she joined. Cindie’s testimonial for the group: “Kris’s Master Mind group has given me the opportunity to connect with a genius group of enchanted entrepreneurs in a friendly, nurturing environment and tap into a wealth of business knowledge and expertise. The workbooks, tools, templates, and offerings Kris has put together for this group are amazing, in fact her Challenge template alone was well worth the cost of membership!”


Here’s how you can stay in touch with Cindie :

Website : www.cindiechavez.com

facebook : facebook.com/cindiechavez

Love + Magic Salon Group on Facebook : facebook.com/groups/TheLoveAndMagicSalon/

twitter : CindieChavez

instagram : instagram.com/cindiechavez


Special offer for you, with love :

Cindie has a special gift for you at her website, her free guided meditation “The Peaceful Beach” A beautiful beach and a private symphony await you! This short 7-minute meditation is designed to lower your stress levels, raise your level of calm, useful energy, and increase your sense of well-being! Featuring gorgeous music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke and the soothing sounds of the ocean, it’s a 7-minute vacation for your soul!


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