Fetching Fairytale: Monikah Ogando, Ph.D


The third edition of Fetching Fairytales features the powerful + enchanting Dr. Monikah Ogando.

Not to be missed: Monikah’s 2015 TEDx Wilmington University talk, The Soul and Science of Authoring Your Success.

Once upon a time …

monikahCirclethere was a kick-ass business coach that mixed her real-world success with no non-sense business growth strategies. Her name was Dr. Monikah Ogando.

Although she traveled the world speaking and training, she called Atlanta, GA her home and Florida her get-away paradise. She spent her days helping emerging and successful entrepreneurs to grow their revenue, amplify their leadership and personal mastery, and leverage their teams. She spent her spare hours swimming, running and dancing (a very physical escape for such a cerebral business magician!).

One day, she noticed she was “living the dream” but felt completely uninspired. Like living from the head with no heart or body to spice things up. Even in the middle of client coaching sessions, speaking to hundreds from the stage, and helping her clients break revenue records and elevate their own empires, she was going through the motions, and not running her own business in a way that made her heart sing – or dance, as she is prone to do anywhere there’s music playing!

Instead of allowing this hum drum la-la land to drown her in boredom, she came up with an idea: To integrate matters of the soul into matters of sales and high performance. Gasp! Would it work? Aren’t those two mutually exclusive? Who talks about spirituality while handling financial spreadsheets and reports? That would mean she would have to insert her own authentic journey from stage 4 cervical cancer to fully alive and thriving, embody her own spiritual wisdom to resonate with leaders hungry for a soul fulfilling enterprise, and blend them in her home study courses, coaching programs and private, invitation-only Mastermind Circle. Can she do it? Will it work?
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Her happily ever after moment came after she invited a select group of entrepreneurs into her Mastermind Circle and the feedback was almost always relief, “Oh my! I can finally let my hair down and actually grow my business in a way that feels good to me!” “You mean I don’t have to sacrifice my family or marriage in order to be a kick-ass woman leader?” “Who knew making loads of money could be such a rush of romance in my personal life!”



Monikah has been a valued and beloved member of my enchanted entrepreneurs mastermind. Here’s her takeaway of her past year with the group: “I have made some incredible connections that continue to expand my network and resourcefulness. For example, any time I need help packaging and launching my next book, I have someone to call. Any time I need a new website done for a product or program, I have someone who can do it on time, under budget and in excellence. Any time I need some support spreading the word on social media about a class I’m teaching, or even a celebration (like my recent dream-come-true TEDx talk, I have an Amen Corner, a Cheerleading Army and a viable and growing business audience thanks to this community!”


Here’s how you can stay in touch with Monikah :

Website : www.monikahogando.com

facebook : www.monikahonfacebook.com

twitter : www.monikahontwitter.com

linkedin : www.monikahonlinkedin.com

youtube : www.monikahonyoutube.com

instagram : @DrMonikahOgando


Special offer for you, with love :

One of the hardest things for entrepreneurs to do, particularly if coming from a corporate or an employee environment, is to don the CEO hat and build their business from a place of visionary leadership WITHOUT neglecting get’er done strategies.

In my book, “Unlock Your Inner CEO”, you’ll learn the 4 questions you must ask to turn ANY business challenge around (from the inside out) and the 4 must-have pillars to put you on the fast track to success.

Download a free digital copy at www.UnlockYourInnerCEO.com


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