Fetching Fairytale: Sama Morningstar


Calling all Heavenly Bodies … the fifth edition of Fetching Fairytales is brought to you by Sama Morningstar.

Once upon a time …

DSC_0019 Edit HRthere was a Creative Holistic Health and Wellness Coach named Sama Morningstar.

She lived in Middletown, CA and spent her days helping other creative people to address their health and wellness challenges by inspiring them to access their own inner wisdom and see their whole life as an opportunity to use their artistic gifts to create something beautiful. She spent her spare hours doing just that for herself through practicing numerous healing and creative arts.

One day, when he was quite young, she noticed that her body was giving her signals in the form of pain and illness that something wasn’t working in her life.

Instead of allowing this perilous situation to defeat her, she came up with an idea to make her health and wellness number one priority. She began to explore every aspect of her life, physical, emotional, and spiritual to find the sources of her pain and find effective healing solutions.

She devoted her whole life to this endeavor and developed many skills along the way like Therapeutic Yoga and Dance, Meditation, Healthy Diet and Cleansing, Herbal Medicine, Healing Gemstone Jewelry and Artwork, Sacred Ceremony, Sound Healing, Breath Work, and Compassionate Voice Work.

Her Happily Ever After moment came when she realized that everything that had ever happened in her life, all of her challenges and pain, were actually gifts for her to develop and learn about Creative Holistic healing so she could help others to blossom as well and all she needed to do was to listen to her inner guidance and all would be well.



Sama joined my enchanted entrepreneurs mastermind over 1 year ago, and never ceases to amaze me with her bevy of creative talents in music, dance, healing, design and visual arts. Sama has this to say about the group: “I have learned from the Enchanted Entrepreneurs Mastermind that marketing my services to help others could be a fun and powerful healing process in and of itself.”

BTW, I have 1 spot open in my mastermind for July if you’d like to join us. Simply reply to this email and I’ll send you all the info you need to get started.


Here’s how you can stay in touch with Sama :

Website : www.samamorningstar.com

facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sama.morningstar

youtube : see Sama in action creatively combining Meditation, Dance, and Sound Healing in this video, https://youtu.be/F8k-UG6xpfQ


Special offer for you, with love :

Sama is delighted to offer free Creative Transformation Coaching Introductory Sessions to the first 8 people that submit their responses to this simple questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3WZC8JS


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