Just want to say this.

I’ve heard from a few of my online mentors lately that women’s circles (as in community-driven all-female tribes) and Goddess-centered works (eBooks, eCourses, membership sites) are passé, not cool and not lucrative.

And some of the mentors saying this are women themselves.

Let’s step back for a moment, shall we?

I see successful and SOULFUL women-centered enterprises out there. And, I know that I don’t know about EVERY one of them.

So please, Dear One, comment below and tell us your thoughts + about any Goddess-Women-centered websites, blogs, membership sites, eBooks that you know about, or possibly even run

Here’s my short list:

Leonie Dawson

Leonie Dawson

The obvious. [Goddess] Leonie Dawson. Even though she rebranded herself to be more biz coach and less hippie goddess, nevermind. The woman can garner $1,000 an HOUR for a one-on-one coaching session. She is in high demand and her private home retreats sell within hours. Sounds suspiciously super cool and super lucrative.

Wild Sister Magazine cover for "Random Acts of Kindness" issue.

Wild Sister Magazine cover for “Random Acts of Kindness” issue.

Wild Sister Magazine. A gorgeous, artful and inspiring magazine and tribe. I’m not sure how much Jen Saunders, founder, brings in cash wise, but she appears to be successful and affluent in her own right. Recently she dropped a few hints via her newsletter: she attended Marie Forleo‘s B-School (cost $2,000) and is going on [Goddess] Leonie’s private retreat in September (cost $3,750, plus airfare if Jen doesn’t live in Australia). Both fairly big ticket items in my book.

Women tell me time and again that they need and ADORE having special content created just for them. They crave a safe-haven to express all aspects of themselves: joy, fear, sexuality, sensuality [body image], pain, loss. And as women we know that if a man’s around we may not talk about these subjects at all.

And, you don’t have to give away female-Goddess-woman-centered content for free either. My list above just gave you proof of that. You can make the money YOU desire as a woman creating for women.

I’ll step off of my soapbox now. Check out this post I ran across tonight by Francesca Alexander, The Social Global Grind, featuring Madonna called Stretching Your Edge. F**king inspiring, no?

Sending you all the love.


And, yes. I too create lovely and helpful shtuff for women only. My Goddess Guide to Business Bliss: A Digital Sanctuary for Women is nearing its big LAUNCH into the stratosphere of marketing lore. The stuff of legend, without fluff, I say. Naysayers be damned!


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