How to make your next launch feel more like a Dionysian orgy, rather than a combat strategy.


The way most entrepreneurs plan the marketing for their upcoming workshops, retreats, services or programs sounds like a war room discussion:

“What tactics will we be using?”

“Let’s come up with a strategy.”

“Let’s launch this baby!”

“Let’s execute.”

What if we want to invoke a potent energy that’s more generative rather than destructive?

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be seduced into buying something (that I may or may not need). Marketing doesn’t have to be a bloody battlefield, does it?

Here are two simple tips to invoke feelings of pleasure, delight, and bliss:

  1. Stop using the word “launch” in your promotional pieces. Example: “Dear [first name of subscriber], I’m so excited to tell you about my new eCourse launching next week!” Is your project a spacecraft or a jet? (Most likely it’s an eCourse, an art exhibit, book, concert, fundraiser or a group coaching program of some sort.)There are much sexier words like unveil, reveal, unmask or uncover.
  2. Stop the urgency crap. It feels like rushed, not-so-sensual lovemaking. And, quite frankly, I don’t really care if you’re in a hurry. I’m not. Do you think your audience wants to hear every 5 minutes that they’re about to lose out on the best thing since sliced gluten-free bread? NO! Unveil your project slowly, like honey. Mmmmmm.

The upside to a languid launching approach is that people will be impressed with your calm, confident energy. You won’t reek of desperation.

Take off your clothes … one piece at a time, which brings me to the DO’s of sexy, sleek launch promotions:

  1. Do write at least 5 blog posts to reveal your honey-dripped offering at least two weeks before the start date. Give your followers delicious appetizer portions and a preview of the pleasures on offer. After saying a full-bodied YES, they will sit at your lusty banquet table to fill up on your main course with drunken abandon (not necessarily alcohol induced). Finger licking encouraged.
  2. Do collaborate with other entrepreneurs through a blog tour or interview series. It’s a group thang! Leave your unique mark too. Can you offer their audience a juicy morsel that bridges the gap between what they are familiar with and your flavor of work? A special blog post written just for their audience or a pdf or video recording will build trust and reel in the sales.
  3. Do write 3-5 social media blurbs, and if possible longer content, that your fans, followers and promotional partners (aka your lovers) can share easily. It’s expected and polite to help those who are helping you.
  4. Do celebrate after the promotion is over and your new book, ecourse, program, etc delivered.

Dance wildly.

Toast to your success, no matter what the sales numbers are.

Do your marketing like you make love.

How you talk about your next “launch” or rather your next unveiling … this will determine how your people will feel when they sign up, buy the book, schedule the session.

It’s all up to you.

Over to you. What’s your recipe to unveil a new offering that’s sexy, love + pleasure-soaked?

Please share in the comments below.

Are you craving a passionate love affair with your business, filled to the brim with all of your desired accoutrements (roses, hot make out sessions, and up-all-night talks that lead to pretzel-like body positions)?


This is not your “normal” online business course. I’ve created an experience, a community and a mentorship program that will:

… to make your business more pleasurable and profitable.
… to make your brand uber clear and compelling.
… to help you kick overwhelm to the curb and prioritize what needs to happen first in your business.
… to help you reach measurable goals in your business in 2020 that feel as easy as sipping your morning latte.
… to guide you through your entrepreneurial adventures with love and support so you can confidently claim your throne!
I’ve designed this program for entrepreneurs looking for consistent support and expert, trustworthy advice about rocking their marketing, branding and business design.



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