New! Pre-Post Natal Drumming at Kindermusik SB!

I’m excited to announce that starting on September 12th, I’ll begin teaching my Pre-Post Natal drumming workshop series as part of Kathy Hayden’s Kindermusik programs.

This workshop is designed for pregnant mamas and for new mamas with babies up to 4 months old.

Pregnancy is a time of change, celebration and profound bonding between mother and child.

Through this workshop, learn how to use rhythm to facilitate deeper bonding with your child in the womb, stimulate baby’s healthy interactivity and play, and promote relaxation of both mother and baby.

And, have fun bonding with other pregnant mamas and new mothers too!

We’ll also look at special mudras and pranayamas to help aid relaxation during labor and help recovery afterwards.

The series lasts 5 weeks (Sept 12-Oct 10) and will be held each Monday from 9:30-10:45am at the Kindermusik studio in Santa Barbara. Fee: $125.

All drums are provided and will be available for purchase if you wish to work on the techniques at home.

Please pre-register by end of August so I know how many drums to order!

Send a check made out to “Kindermusik with Kathy” and mail to:
at SB Dance Arts
1 N. Calle Cesar Chavez,
Ste 100, SB 93103

Also, you must RSVP to me so I know to order enough drums.
Kris Oster – kris[at]mythicrhythm[dot]com

© 2023 Kris Seraphine. All rights reserved.