When you open your heart wide to love, all of creation shows up to sip your nectar.
One of the things I loved most about Brazil is that they call hummingbirds ‘beija flor’ which means the “flower kisser.”
So beautiful and romantic.
Your Pleasure Bomb has arrived.
Today is Friday, ruled by the love/beauty/sexy/prosperous planet Venus.
A Pleasure Bomb is part oracle, part declaration…revealing what lives in the quiet sensual spaces of your Soul.
A Mythic Muse with messages of …
Unconditional love.
Sexy, sexy.
But really?
Pleasure Bomb = Aphrodisiac for your business and life.
Want to get this deliciousness delivered straight to your email on Fridays?
(wish I could upload it straight to your brain, but we don’t have the technology for that yet.)
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