How to be a Pleasure Player in the Serious World of “Business”

Do you remember how you felt when you took your last vacation? How you just could be yourself and feel excited about being in a different energy. How you could simply wake up smiling, feeling relaxed. No worries or cares … because you’re on vacation!

And, can you remember how long it took for those feelings of being relaxed, inspired and restored to disappear once you returned to your life and work?

In May 2016 I went to Paris, London and Brittany for two weeks of close connection with old friends, sight seeing, shopping and communing with the sacred mysteries inside Parisian cathedrals and nature amongst the megalithic ancient stones at Carnac. I frolicked through Musee D’Orsay. I spent my days eating and drinking all of Paris’ finest gastronomic delights. I even spent an afternoon in Wonderland, aka Le Moulin Jaune, wandering through whimsical gardens and eating borscht.

When I returned to idyllic Santa Barbara, it took only 2 days for me to completely slip out of that euphoric bliss.

How could this happen after two straight weeks of pure pleasure, fun and enjoyment?

I immediately went into high stress mode – “I have to start hustling now to get more work so I can pay the rent, insurance and cable bills.”

Yes, I did get more work because what you focus on expands.

On the physical level this is a great way to manifest what I need and want in your life.

On the emotional-psychospiritual level it was terrible because I manifested the tension, anxiety and worry that I have attached to the concept of “hustling,” aka finding more clients and customers, and filling my programs and workshops. Ick!

I had forgotten my first rule of engagement in my business life: pleasure yourself first.

I know many people will tell you to LOVE yourself first, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But what I find is that the concept LOVE keeps me in my head.

To get directly into my heart, and of course my entire body, I focus on PLEASURE.

Pleasure is a full body experience, not just a head trip.

So, if you want to be a “serious” and “successful” business maven I have two words for you – Vacation Mind.

Putting yourself in vacation mind while you’re working keeps you more creative, innovative and productive. And even more importantly, it keeps you euphoric, happy and playful all day long.

Yes, we all have stressful and tense moments. And we can choose to change that too.

Instead of focusing on deadlines and irritable co-workers or clients, focus on the actual work. Revolutionary, right?

Put on your favorite music and dance through that quarterly report.

Get up and stretch and move at least every 30 minutes. Pat your body or sensuously caress yourself. Walk outside and take deep breaths for 10 minutes.

Get a glass of water, feeling the coolness pouring down the back of your throat. Sip on a delicious cup of joe or a chai and savor that ten minutes of tasting pleasure.

All of these small pleasure breaks are like taking little vacations throughout the day. Simply focusing on any of your five senses awakens your sensual, pleasure receptors.

You are fully present and in the moment. You are not worried, tense, anxious or harried.

Take those sensual feelings of pleasure back with you to work.

It’s simple, but not always easy to do.

Decide to be in a relaxed and pleasured state as you work.

You decide the outcome of every situation in your life.

With love, devotion and pleasure unending,

Kris O.

About Me:

I’m a channel of the sacred feminine, author, archetypal brand strategist and a business & life coach who inspires creative, magical women to embody their unique feminine essence so they can bring in more prosperity, joy and sensuality into their lives.

Once upon a time, I was a corporate marketing director and lead website developer for some pretty big names, including Citrix Online, E! Entertainment Television, Disney, ABC, Paramount Pictures. I once made my employer $1 million with a single newsletter. (Not bad for a goddess-loving, hippy drummer chick.)

I’m devoted to revolutionizing how women heal themselves through the archetypes of the sacred feminine so that they can shine as their authentic selves with ease and grace.

My coaching programs, online courses, live retreats and books inspire women around the world to get turned on and create a life & business filled to the brim with pleasure!

Magical woman, if you’re done with struggling and trying to figure it out on your own and you’re ready for SACRED and DIVINE TRANSFORMATION, then I invite you to have a heart-to-heart chat with me. Bring a cup of tea or your favorite kombucha, and let’s map out your sensual Goddess makeover together.

Click the link below and let’s get your juicy ascension started.


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