eBook (50+ pages) and the whole digital experience of yoga, mantras and guided meditations due for release on August 20th (stay tuned for the book launch party announcement).
Contributors so far:
Aparna Khanolkar
Michelle Ward
Alexandra Franzen
Lisa Beck
Diane Feingold
Charlotte Cressey
Jennifer Steinwurtzel
Shenee Howard
Tanya Geisler
Michelann Quimby
Pamela Lynn
Lucinda Kinch
Arielle Christner
The wonderful contributions in this eBook and digital experience include solid business tactics, marketing strategies AND techniques to love yourself up so you always radiate power and beauty. Charlotte Cressey will be offering a 5-minute chair yoga routine that will blow your mind! And, anyone can do it sitting at their computer, in their cubicle, etc.
There are chapters on why it’s important to trademark, how to build your email list, creating auto responders, plotting out your first eBook, offering online workshops and eCourses….and so much more, including practical and fun workbooks to fashion your authentic cocktail line (pitch) and figure out how many goodies you need to sell to make the amount of money you desire.
Full of blessings and goodness. Please share with your friends.
All contributors will share in the proceeds when the book is released and $4 for each copy sold will go to the charity Yoga Gives Back, empowering impoverished women in India through micro loans. Special thanks goes to Aparna Khanolkar for setting up this partnership! (Learn more about Aparna)
Pre-sale price is just $9. A total steal for 50+ pages of wisdom from 20+ fabulous wise women. You are also welcome to purchase copies as gifts. I will email a lovely gift card to the recipient on your behalf.
Click on over here to pre-order ASAP (price will go up considerably on August 20th):