The Meaning of Quantum Anti-Structure … and Branding

On Wednesday, 4/23/14, we all experienced one of the biggest astrological events, the Grand Cross. Lots more information on it here, so I’m not going to go into detail about what it was and what was happening in the skies.

Since we are all part of the incarnated Earth family, each of our souls experienced it.

One astrologer said it was like getting a “cosmic enema.” It was a time full of potent release and emotional purging. Lots of tears. Lots of illumination too.

That morning I knew we were in the midst of the Cross and began my 4am morning ritual in visioning. Yemaya, the Great Mother Goddess of the Oceans, has been speaking to me a lot lately and she was the first one who I “plugged” into.

Here’s how our conversation went:

Hello Beautiful Mother. Thank you for being with me again, as always. Thank you for your love. Can you tell me what is happening right now?

Yemaya nods, “Yes.”

She shows me on my knees as if in deep thought or prayer. I’m sitting in the middle of a white room which is part of a house that is now violently shaking and crumbling all around me. And I continue to sit still and contemplate how I feel, which is a detached calm.

I took that as a good sign.

And then Yemaya showed me that the house was just the framework of our minds. “The structures are melting away. The foundations are coming down because You need to be more free form, embrace quantum anti-structure.”

I asked her, “Won’t this make us all go insane? Lose our minds?”

She told me “Dear One, you never needed that particular structure. Think of your mind in quantum terms now. Stop staying in the past.”

Of course she said this in the most loving way.

I was taken aback by how logical she was! We are truly limitless beings, but are scared shitless to come out of our little boxes.

I asked her, “What is quantum anti-structure?”

Yemaya smiled and showed me a vision of thousands of white birds, all taking flight at the same time up into a sunset gold-pink-purple colored sky. They flew every which way, without rhyme or reason for their direction.

And not one bumped into the other. It was the most graceful scene I have ever witnessed and it took my breath away.

I got it. The image is so clear and compelling. Freedom, trust, grace. We can all be flying in random patterns, but the Whole of us, the flock of birds as it were, has an intelligence all its own.

Even when we don’t know the “right” direction to take, our flight is perfectly aligned with the rest of the birds.

I love this. It embraces the chaos that is happening and at the same time shows that underneath something we would normally consider as negative, there is beauty and symmetry. Always beauty, yes?

And now for the branding part …

Messages from the mystical realm are a part of my day-to-day work. And, more often than not I see a direct correlation to my own brand and sometimes to other’s as well.

When we are able to show something to our clients and customers through an image, we cut right through to the meaning and significance of what we want to say in fewer words and with more emotional impact.

How are you using images in your brand? Do they convey your meaning in empowering ways?

If you have 5 minutes, set a timer now and think on these questions.

Brainstorm: think of at least 3 ways you can use image as a way to convey the mission and core message/s of your brand. Tell us your insights in the comments below.

Sending you gentle tides of comfort and love right now,


P.S. If cultivating more mystical connections is something you desire in your life and business, take a look at my upcoming 21-day sadhanna, Yemaya Within You: Cultivating Unconditional Love. It begins on May 5th. Love deeply. Unconditionally. Irrationally.


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