Sometimes I feel like Anais Nin; like Aphrodite is trapped inside my body.
But this is not the trivial, cheap Aphrodite created by strip clubs and Vegas showgirls.
This Aphrodite cannot be contained.
She is unbridled desire at its most eloquent.
She is not a whore.
She can restore her own Virginity by simply bathing.
Mighty Aphrodite. She cannot be domesticated.
She is Intimacy. Tangled hair.
Hands strong as as silk.
She is Sovereign.
Surrendering to her heart at every turn.
Ferocious as a lion and gentle as a dove.
It’s where I live.
Sometimes I’m so afraid, but still I open up wider.
If I don’t, no one can see my Soul. And that frightens me even more.
[pullquote width=”600″ float=”left”]The moment that you feel, just possibly, you are walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind, and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself…That is the moment, you might be starting to get it right.”
― Neil Gaiman[/pullquote]
In life + biz be RAW.
Show up naked and open like the LOVER.
Create with abandon.
Live on fire.
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