When you’re feeling tired, hopeless and disconnected it’s time to step away from the “outer” and return to your inner place of stillness.
This is the Art of Savoring.
Savoring presence is the feminine way to restore the soul.
One of my favorite ways to savor is through ritual and in particular cacao ceremony. I gifted myself sweet savoring time this weekend with a personal cacao ceremony and it felt completely luscious.
Tell me in the comments below, Gorgeous!
I’m a channel of the sacred feminine, author, archetypal brand strategist and a business & life coach who inspires creative, magical women to embody their unique feminine essence so they can bring in more prosperity, joy and sensuality into their lives.
Once upon a time, I was a corporate marketing director and lead website developer for some pretty big names, including Citrix Online, E! Entertainment Television, Disney, ABC, Paramount Pictures. I once made my employer $1 million with a single newsletter. (Not bad for a goddess-loving, hippy drummer chick.)
I’m devoted to revolutionizing how women heal themselves through the archetypes of the sacred feminine so that they can shine as their authentic selves with ease and grace.
My coaching programs, online courses, live retreats and books inspire women around the world to get turned on and create a life & business filled to the brim with pleasure!
Magical woman, if you’re done with struggling and trying to figure it out on your own and you’re ready for SACRED and DIVINE TRANSFORMATION, then I invite you to have a heart-to-heart chat with me. Bring a cup of tea or your favorite kombucha, and let’s map out your sensual Goddess makeover together.
Click the link below and let’s get your juicy ascension started.