How do you SHINE your light? (a question from Karina Ladet.)

ShineLight850This post is inspired by the lovely Karina Ladet … If you are ready to receive the loving support and clarity you need to Shine Your Light in 2015 intuitive reader and channel Karina Ladet is offering you 4 intuitive readings and 4 guided meditations to help you tap into the energy of each season throughout the year. The journey starts in January and you will receive all the one one one guidance you need to make 2015 your best year yet. This offer is limited and is open until January 31 so if it resonates, join in now.

When I meet with my clients for the first time for a Plunge or Siren Session (this is a one-off hourly session where I help conjure up a little mermaid marketing magic for a new offering or website branding), they usually begin to tell me that they wish for “real” magic.

They wish they could simply ask for more perfect-for-them clients, wave a magic wand and POOF!

They wish that magic was REAL for them and not just Harry Potter.

I’m here to show entrepreneurs that magic IS real. And that enchantment is a perspective, not necessarily a destination.

We shine when we realize we can choose magic and enchantment each day to create the business and life we most desire.

The question is not if magic is real or not, but rather HOW do we make it? And, this takes us back to the original question Karina asked me, “How do you shine your light?”

Here are a few tips to help you work out the HOW to conjure real magic:

#1: Have a clear outcome in mind for everything you really want. More clients? More monetary abundance? A hot new boyfriend? To land any manifestation you must be clear about the final result.

Example: Let’s say I want 1000 amazing, soulful entrepreneurs to sign up for my newly unveiled FREE workshop, Pleasure Yourself. I need to imagine seeing that Facebook group or the Mailchimp list with 1000 names on it.

Don’t think about the HOW to lure 1000 people in. That comes later.

Simple and Clear.

#2: Begin to visualize the progression to getting 1000 people to sign up.

Example: Now that you know the result, go back to the beginning. See someone who really needs this workshop in your mind’s eye. See them going through their blah day and then they go to their computer and they see an email announcement from you about the workshop, or their best friend emails them and says, “I’m doing this and you HAVE to do it with me!”

Then you visualize yourself getting the notifications for 1000 sign ups.

By now, you will be feeling charged, energized, excited and completely enthused. Guess what? Everyone else can feel that electricity flowing from your every cell. They want a piece of that too!

This is how desire and wishing magic really works. The FEELINGS are magnetic. (That’s why Danielle LaPorte always says, “know how you want to feel.”)

But ya can’t just know it, you have to FEEEEL it. Oh yeah.

#3: Take 5 minutes per day and Repeat #1 – #2 each morning and again each evening before retiring for bed.

These three simple steps will help you shine your light so that others not only SEE you, but they feel the permission to shine their own light as well.


Yes, you do need to actually promote your offerings if you want more clients. (I’m always here to help you with that.)

Yes, you do need to leave the house if you want to find the love of your life.

Get into your SHINY place, feel enthusiastic and pleasured, then go DO THE WORK.

For an extra strong dose of MOJO, contact Karina for all things magical that you’d like to bring into your life.

Sending you love vibes unending my friend.

Go forth and SHINE.




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