Sign up for a FREE workshop: Access Your Inner Guru + How to do a Seed Launch

Join me for a free workshop on accessing your Inner Guru, the wise one within that has your best interests at heart.

I’ll also talk about how to do a seed launch–strategies to develop a product, service or business from a small list when you only have an inkling of what you’d like to create. A seed launch will help you test the waters for levels of interest in your market, will build your list and will put cash in your bank account.

Access Your Inner Guru + How to do a Seed Launch
DATE: September 24, 2012
TIME: 12:30-1:30PM (PT)

Fill out and submit the form below to register and receive the connection info.
(The workshop will be given using Uberconference and can be accessed by phone or Skype. Audio is through the dial in number and visual is accessed via web browser.)

If you can’t make it live, no worries! I will record and post the session to my website so you can access it at your convenience.

© 2023 Kris Seraphine. All rights reserved.