Before I take your hand and dive into the lusciousness of our second Sirenalia, just wanted to take a moment to slow down, see how you are. With the world spinning in the most erratic orbit we’ve experienced in our lifetime, I’m completely suspended in a state of uncertainty. I imagine you are feeling the same, beloved one.

Our lives have been forever changed; and we can say both for better and for worse. We are human-animals, soft bodies, needing communion and touch. Our brain’s neuroplasticity, our immunity, our very survival depends on touching others and being touched. We will never take hugging for granted again, will we?

Last night I was speaking to my lover … we took turns reading passages from a book to each other in the fashion people once used to sit around the fireplace, before radio and television … and, phones, the internet, and the dreaded Zoom.

Zoom has become indispensible in all of my day-to-day activities, including my nightly rendezvous with my mer-man. As much as I’m not fond of Zoom, I have much to be thankful to it for. But I digress.

One of the many pleasures my lover and I share is reading oracles for each other. I begged him to read for me this evening. The card he chose was incredibly profound, in particular a certain phrase: “luxuriant emptiness.”

I offer my work, the extension of my soul, to you as a Chalice of Luxuriant Emptiness. The more we can release for this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on Saturday-Sunday, the more life will fill your cup with inestimable bliss. I know that’s what I want more of. How about you?

Mythically yours,


So, Luxuriant One, we are beginning the season of Cancer – a sign prone to fall in love hard and fast. We’re also in the middle of three eclipses – events associated with revealing what lies in the shadows. It couldn’t be a better time to cast our sultry siren magic into the dark sea and summon abundance, love and passion into our lives – perhaps to inspire a surge of sensuality and connection within a relationship you already have, or to call in a new lover if you are single. The ritual I created with my dear colleague and friend Yael Wolfe, is designed to fill your luxuriant emptiness with anything your heart is longing for.

To help amplify our magic, we’ll rely on the element of water throughout this ritual, an element associated with feelings and intuition.

Ritual Preparation

If you wish, prepare a mist made out of distilled water and your favorite essential oil(s) to clear the energy in your ritual space. You might want to try sandalwood, rose, lemon, or ylang ylang, all associated with the sacral (2nd) chakra, which we’ll be working with in this ritual.

If using magical tools turns you on, create a space on your altar for them. This is a great time to utilize pink stones like rose quartz to symbolize love, as well as orange stones like carnelian to strengthen your sacral chakra. You can also place a bowl of water, again, to symbolize the power of the sacral chakra or an empty cup filled with flower petals and crystals, a symbol of the vessel you are creating to receive the love that you desire or to make space for the love you already have that you want to strengthen.

Make sure you are comfortable and won’t be disturbed for at least 5-10 minutes. You are welcome to sit in this energy for as long as you enjoy, but know that this magical process can be completed simply, easily and quickly.

Do it often over the next 4-5 days to fully soak in the potent full moon and lunar eclipse energies.

Repetition, as in all things, makes the Master – or Mistress.

When you are ready to begin, light a candle and proceed with the incantation below.

Think of what it is you most desire, hold a picture of it in your mind then whisper the prayer:

I call out to you, my deepest heart’s desire, into the depths of the sea, into the darkness of night. Hear my voice. Come to me.
I am ready.

I invite you to rush upon me like the tide – tentative, like a gentle, foamy wave, or sweeping like a surge, overwhelmed with desire to caress the sandy shore.
I am ready.

I reach for you in desire – but patient, knowing you will find me. You will follow my song. My arms are outstretched in faith.
I am ready.

I embrace you against my yielding flesh. I feel the nourishment of my own love flow through you and back to me, even before you have arrived.
I am ready.

Repeat the incantation in cycles of three.

Every word you speak becomes a prayer, a magnetic force of attraction.

Prayer is preparation for what is to flow to you–that which you desire, is desiring you. Each time you come to do the ritual, you are preparing yourself to receive.

Remember: you are a Chalice of Luxuriant Emptiness.

Jasmine Moon: White Tea of Reverence

An intoxicating tea, perfect for celebrating this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and performing the Song of the Siren ritual. It is loving blended by Zhena Muzyka of Magic Hour Wellness Tea & Botanicals.

From a small family farm in Yunnan, these rare tea buds emanate the scent of honey jasmine, candied strawberry & sweet cream. Grown in pristine conditions by a small family co-op whose dedication to preserve nature is noble and a daily focus ties this ephemeral beauty tea to the sacred intention of both being nurtured by and nurturing Mother Earth. Jasmine is known as the “scent of God” and this precious and rare tea will remind you of the divinity in each breath.

White tea’s health benefits range from slowing the signs of aging to heightened mental agility and collagen production. White tea is also exceptional for cooling an overheated system and for aiding digestion. There are few gifts from nature as profoundly positive in serving and elevating the human body and spirit as Jasmine infused silver tips white tea.


My Mystery School is Open for July Enrollment

Join me for Weekly Tarot & Astrology forecasts. I just did a beginner’s Astrology Chart reading class and the recording is live in the virtual school.

I’ll do special love, business, money and sex readings for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse this weekend!

Please click HERE to learn more & join us in this sacred virtual space.

About Me

I’m an author, brand strategist and marketing copywriter who teaches creative, spiritually-inclined souls how to more love, fulfillment and prosperity.

Once upon a time, I was a corporate marketing director and lead website developer for some pretty big names, including Citrix Online, E! Entertainment Television, Disney, ABC, Paramount Pictures.

I received my PH.D in Mythological Studies from Pacifica Graduate Institute where I studied mythology and depth psychology with such luminaries as Marion Woodman and James Hillman.

I have helped hundreds of creative seekers design a business and life that feels pleasurable, alluring, and that reflects their authentic vision.

Kris Seraphine-Oster, Ph.D |
Mystical Embodiment Empress at
The Mystery School.
#selfhelp #books Author.


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