{photo by Shirley Ann Aphrodite}

Slow is SEXY.

When you see someone rushing around, or in a hurry in line at the grocery store, do they look attractive, joyful and happy?


Do you think you look like your true self when you feel harried, stressed out, living in your head?


Your true self is gorgeous, radiant, graceful and relaxed. This Self resides in the temple of your body and is totally connected to both heaven and earth. Your body is a sacred vessel that contains all of the energetic potential of the universe.

Take things slow, like honey. Now. Breathe deeper. Smile bigger.

Let the rest of the fucking world be in a hurry.

Let yourself be slow, sexy, gorgeous, radiant and relaxed because time will not stop for you, but YOU can stop time.

The Unbound Experience will help you BE more, do less and move slowwwwww like honey with deep intention and POWER.

Are you in?!!!! I hope to see you inside.

I can’t wait to share our slow + sexy experiences!


If you want to learn how to do business like a PLEASURE goddess, visit my course page for The Entrepreneur’s Journey: Practical Magic to Grow Your Business in 2020.

Do you need to get back the connection to your body, your life force energy and your passion to CREATE? Have a gander at The Unbound Experience, my year long course. It might be just what you need to go from constantly feeling exhausted and burned out to being inspired + empowered!


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