So Grateful … for Shaun and Saraphina

I’ve decided to start a new blog category and this is the first installment.

I’m so grateful for Shaun and Saraphina.

It’s hard to believe how lucky I am to have met and married my soulmate, actually my Twin Flame.

(yep, there’s a difference)

My first marriage sucked balls. Yet, it was a great learning experience and helped me learn to trust myself and have confidence to be alone and thrive. YEAH! Thank you husband #1!

I spent the next 8 or 9 years dating, not dating, traveling, studying mythology and depth psychology and soul searching. I had a wonderful time.

I decided that if I didn’t meet the right man, I had my incredible family and friends in my life. I wouldn’t marry unless my Twin Flame came along.

I did special rituals to manifest the relationship I desired, one very potent in the UK when I was there in 2002. All involved water, especially the ocean.

I met Shaun in 2004.

We married on the beach in 2006 so we could give thanks for our union and petition for fertility.

And, when all of my doctors said I couldn’t have a baby, that I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant, I got pregnant.

When the doctors told me my uterus could not retain the pregnancy because of my large fibroids, I retained the pregnancy.

When the doctors told me I would need a Caesarean section because a large fibroid was blocking the birth canal, I delivered Saraphina vaginally. She just pushed that fibroid right out of the way.

Saraphina Nancy Lazara Oster was born August 7, 2008.

I am so grateful.

Shaun and Saraphina. Lunchtime at Stella Mare’s, Oct 12, 2012.


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