I’ve decided to start a new blog category and this is the first installment.
It’s hard to believe how lucky I am to have met and married my soulmate, actually my Twin Flame.
(yep, there’s a difference)
My first marriage sucked balls. Yet, it was a great learning experience and helped me learn to trust myself and have confidence to be alone and thrive. YEAH! Thank you husband #1!
I spent the next 8 or 9 years dating, not dating, traveling, studying mythology and depth psychology and soul searching. I had a wonderful time.
I decided that if I didn’t meet the right man, I had my incredible family and friends in my life. I wouldn’t marry unless my Twin Flame came along.
I did special rituals to manifest the relationship I desired, one very potent in the UK when I was there in 2002. All involved water, especially the ocean.
We married on the beach in 2006 so we could give thanks for our union and petition for fertility.
And, when all of my doctors said I couldn’t have a baby, that I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant, I got pregnant.
When the doctors told me my uterus could not retain the pregnancy because of my large fibroids, I retained the pregnancy.
When the doctors told me I would need a Caesarean section because a large fibroid was blocking the birth canal, I delivered Saraphina vaginally. She just pushed that fibroid right out of the way.
I am so grateful.