Spark Creative Entrepreneur Retreat Scholarship Entry :: AKA, “Soulitude” by Kris Oster

Spark: The Creative Entrepreneur Retreat :: A Prayer, An Ode ::
To Soulitude

and, small plea for a scholarship.


Loving the Soulitude. Photo by r.s.thurston photography.

The royal road to creativity eruptions + physical, mental and spiritual radiance relies on those dips under the surface of our day-to-day lives to daydream, journal, paint, compose music, meditate or just enjoy a cup of tea.

I’d like to call this soulitude.

Soulitude is often “solitude” that is fulfilled and soul-filled, not reclusive and lonely. There is a difference.

Think Greta Garbo: “I vant to be alone.”

No need to be so melodramatic. A retreat into your soul is the first step to inner peace and ecstatic creativity.

Soulitude’s not so damn lonely either, especially when it is shared in beautiful surroundings with other creative souls.

Spark: The Creative Entrepreneur Retreat” is a great way to jump start your S-O-U-L-I-T-U-D-E. You’ll learn from the brightest + best entrepreneurial SoulSistars to beam to Planet Earth.

And now the facts…

Tell us about yourself and your business ::
I’m a Marketing Muse + Creativity Midwife. Writer/Drummer Extraordinaire. Firecracker workshop facilitator both in-person and online.

Latest biz creation: Elite+Fabulous Marketing Lab: 4-hour one-on-one biz immersions and small group retreats that lead to big AH-HA moments.

What’s your creative story :: I grew up not knowing what I wanted to be when I grow up. As a child I loved to daydream and write stories. Sometimes I illustrated them. Subjects were mainly dinosaurs and Greek mythology.

Just learned that I’m a Renaissance Soul: add drummer, ritualist and massage therapy to the list.

I’m still daydreaming, which is how I channel all of my writing and business ideas. My Muse and I are the best of buddies.

Why do you feel you’ve lost your creative way ::
Not lost now, and in fact, I’m rolling like I never have before.

Reasons: 1. Danielle LaPorte, 2. Alexandra Franzen, 3. my amazing + supportive husband, 4. my delightful little 3 year-old Goddess, 5. Michelle Ward. Got support?

Howevah, in a past-life called my first marriage, my ex said to me, “All this drumming, massage therapy, Bohemian/gypsy stuff is really flaky. I think you should get a real job.”

My reaction: “Uh, o.k.” (I ended up getting a “real job” at E! Entertainment TV and just exploding my creativity and career! And, I filed for divorce 9 months later.)

What do you think you’ll get out of the retreat ::
I feel like I’m just beginning to blossom into my authentic creativity. Yep, it can happen at 44! The retreat looks tailor-made for someone like me. I can only imagine the ways I’ll be ripped open and my business re-birthed through this experience. I don’t want to weigh myself down with the usual expectations, ie, “make more money” or “get more customers.”

I desire to be ensouled by my livelihood and want to help others do the same.

Driven by Soul to live by Soul.

‘Nuff said.

In deep gratitude,



© 2023 Kris Seraphine. All rights reserved.