West African Goddess Oya/Yansan (known as Iansa in Brazil). Her name Yansan means “mother of nine” because she is the personification of the Niger river. She is also the patron goddess of independent women.
Silent meditation from 10-10:30am and service begins at 11am.
Address: 17905 Sky Park Circle, Suite A, Irvine, CA 92614
Talk description:
The Power of 9: Rebirthing Yourself + Your Business by Offering the World Your Goddess-Given Gifts
Know what you’re passionate about and tell your story. Shout it from the rooftops!
Creating sustainable happiness and wealth for ourselves at first seems self-indulgent and greedy. But, the truth of the matter is that you can’t help anyone with your gifts if you are constantly worried about money, and how you’re going to pay the bills. I look forward to sharing some of my mythic wisdom from Africa, Greece and the UK to help you begin to create passive income and promote your gifts so that the people who need you the most can find you and your work.
I’ll bring the printed workbook version of my forthcoming eBook Goddess Guide to Business Bliss, now available for pre-order at a discount. 50+ pages. Available early August 2012. Pre-Order Special Price – $9