There is something about the boldness of Summer. It is relaxed and lush.
The season of sunflowers inspires all kinds of random acts of creativity.
Nature itself is obscenely … prolific, flowering, flourishing and flowing during my favorite Solstice season.
Two years ago, my Muse woke me up at 4am with this poem in the deep heart of Summer:
In this dance of duality,
You are the lover and the beloved.
There is only One.
This is the truth.
Instead of running about worrying and scurrying,
Look up to God.
He is your vision.
Ground your bare feet on Earth.
She is your strength.
Dance with hair flowing, muscles aching.
Reaching your Heart into its longing.
Permeating space with your essence.
Fragrant roses spilling out everywhere,
Because now you have become Love.
Be in your body. Settle into the ground.
Right now you are flying fast and strong, so take a deep breath. With gratitude for all that you are and all that you have created so far this year, take time to CELEBRATE.
Celebration is the moment when you STOP. It’s a sacred pause; an acknowledgement that you are enough in the present moment.
Take a breather, meditate and then reflect.
June is the ideal time to review the past 6 months in your business, because now you have a good idea of what to prune back and what to plant for the rest of the year.
Truth be told, I had been creating a workbook with all of this.
But with the graduation parties and my daughter’s upcoming appearance in our local production of The Pirates of Penzance, I had to put the essential parts you’ll need here, rather than a gorgeously designed PDF. There’s only so much even I can do (wink, wink).
Question #1
What 3 activities or projects brought in the most money for your business, or increased your audience size this year?
You have at least one of these. Write it all down: your A-HA moments and lessons learned.
Celebrate first, then put your nose-to-grindstone. Always.
We believe we need to work our asses off before we can have the “success,” but I think switching it around so we celebrate first is a more effective strategy to feel awesome every day and create prolifically. (It’s that pleasure principle.)
Question #2
On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel about your business’ growth over the past 6 months?
Be honest. Did you have big and/or small successes and not take the time to enjoy them?
Take your feelings and physical well-being into account in your business success.
If you want more growth, look to the activities and projects you wrote about in Question #1. Focus on what builds your brand and bottom line with more ease and less stress.
Preserve your energy; being an entrepreneur of any kind requires stamina.
Question #3
What’s your 1 BIG idea this year?
This is the one thing you want to accomplish in 2018, come hell or high water. First, review the goal/s you created for yourself at the beginning of this year. How is it going? Do you feel like you need to reconnect with your big dream? Or is it time to change course?
Question #4
What is going to be your priority for the rest of 2018?
So, everything cannot be a priority!
Choose one project, or aspect of your business, and work it like the BOSS you are.
Brainstorm around it. Drill down into the details: deadline, small steps you need to take each day to complete it, pricing, process, sales page, partners, etc.
Yes, of course you can put more than one thing on your docket. Prioritize everything and don’t jump to the next thing until the prior project on the list is complete.
Overworking and overscheduling are epidemics in our culture.
I’m writing this for my own benefit as much as for yours!
Tell people you love them. Write actual letters and postcards to your friends, family and colleagues.
But you don’t have to schedule “coffee/tea” with everyone on your contact list. You are not obligated to make every birthday party, graduation or wedding ceremony.
Your only obligation is to take care of your precious self … no one is going to do that for you.
You’ll get online individual support daily in our private Facebook group, weekly mini-tarot readings, bi-weekly masterminds, quarterly writing retreats, all of my online business courses and marketing guides, and a treasure trove of meditations.
Higher Ground is your magic carpet ride into the future *you* desire to co-create with Divine Intelligence … and a space for savouring the erotic, the sacred and the mystical within you.
Kris is a brand strategist and marketing copywriter that coaches creative and spiritually-minded entrepreneurs who are determined to find more meaning, magic AND profit in their businesses.
She was a once a corporate marketing director and lead website developer for some pretty big names, including Citrix Online, E! Entertainment Television, Disney, ABC, Paramount Pictures. She even made her employer $1 million with a single e-newsletter once.
But, like you, she heard the siren’s call and decided to pursue a life of pleasure, doing what she loves.
She has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs create a business and livelihood that feels otherworldly … seductive … enthralling … and totally pleasure-soaked.
When Kris isn’t working, you can find her priestessing rituals, writing mermaid erotica, dancing Indian classical and fusion styles, playing her congas, or frolicking in the surf with her 10-year old girl.