Take up space.
It’s that gorgeous boss babe on Instagram who has a style that attracts thousands of admirers. Or … a famous writer with a wit and intelligence so brilliant that you devour everything she writes. Perhaps, she is a celebrity who…
It’s that gorgeous boss babe on Instagram who has a style that attracts thousands of admirers. Or … a famous writer with a wit and intelligence so brilliant that you devour everything she writes. Perhaps, she is a celebrity who…
Mythological archetypes in stories are dynamic containers for magical and ritual energy. For example, in the Introduction to the Unbound Experience course you will have an activation of Amaterasu energy through a myth-infused visualization–the cosmic dance between light and shadow….
“I want to suck his lips off.” I said that at 10 years old, the first time I laid eyes on Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. I thought I was thinking it, but, alas,I said it out loud in front of…
I often have a hard time transitioning my way of thinking about “doing” business and marketing from my corporate brain to my entrepreneurial brain. Is this true for you too? I’ve had to completely detach from the mindsets I had…
Hello Beautiful Soul. On August 7, 2008 I became a Momma. Saraphina turns 10 years old today. She is always my magical fairy mermaid. Beautiful and wise. Kind-hearted and full of fun! Sweet One, My wish for you today is…
On October 5, 2017 I gave my first talk and book signing in London! It was so exciting and I felt heard and received by the warm and enthusiastic audience. One young gentleman from the audience really stood out to…
Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times.” – Ray Bradbury When did I learn to be so hard? So brittle? So unyielding to all that life offers me? Pleasure is still…