“Kris has been my go-to girl for years and years. I wouldn’t be without her in my corner. Her coaching and belief in me is why I am bold enough to be a practicing priestess on the Internet, doing the work I do today. She sees what I am too scared to see. She believes in me. That support is everything.”
— Demelza Fox, Founder of The Morgan LeFay Mystery School & Rockstar Priestess
“You are such a gifted woman, truly. I was reading your book this morning. And I’m constantly blown away by how you turn a phrase, how magical your writing is, how intellectual yet accessible it is. This book deserves to be a NYT Bestseller.
While I enjoy and respect people like Marie Forleo and Steven Pressfield, I think you are in, if not beyond, their realm. I don’t know if that’s how you want your brand to manifest in the world, but as least as far as influence, you have that capacity, power, imagination, and authority.
There is a truth in Kris’s work that has always struck a chord within me. I’m convinced that any success I’ve had is because of her guidance – the permission she has given me to embrace my inner archetypes, to opt for pleasure instead of perfection, to infuse everything I do with love. Kris is a true goddess in every sense of the word and I am so blessed that her grace and expertise has fueled my creative fire so many times. ”
– Yael Wolfe, Author & Artist
“First I want to tell you how much I am thoroughly enjoying this course. I love the blend of solid marketing principals and mythic, magic making. It is feeding my mystical/practical self in such a rich, deep way and in a completely different way than other marketing work I have done. In all the years I have been in business and have been writing ideal customer profiles (and it had been many on both counts) this is the first time I enjoyed it. I am learning so much about her. I feel like I am touching into the essence of the woman I serve rather than reporting on a hypothetical collection of descriptors. I am looking forward to more!”
– Sandi Davis, CPCC, Luscious Life-life coaching and intuitive wisdom for women.
“I have a successful therapy practice, but quite honestly have been crap at promoting my services and products. Through my participation in the Bewitch program I was able to open the doorway to my own juicy and joyful ‘marketing voice’ of truth. I’m allergic to much mainstream ‘marketing speak’ and approach to business and have in the past found myself hiding away so as not to come across as false and salesy. Yuk. I needed to find my own voice in promoting my services that was honest, clear, authentically me. Working with Kris has opened me to a more soulful, truthful expression of my services and products, my potential customers are connecting and I’ve come out of hiding!”
– Meegan Care, Body Centered Therapist
“Hey – it’s Friday afternoon here in Australia. I guess that means that when I wake up tomorrow morning, week 2 tasks will be posted. So excited!! I am LOVING this course. I did an online business school course last year but I couldn’t connect with a lot of the information because it was too dry. Kris, the magical energy you are bringing to this course is weaving it’s way into my heart, soul & brain and even after one week, everything is finally clicking. xxx”
– Kim Tennant, Krysalis Astrology
“Hi Kris, I want to tell you how much I enjoyed the Sales & Soul course. I had no idea writing a sales page would actually be fun! I found your workbooks particularly helpful, especially the last one – I got so many ideas for e-courses, blog topics and articles. I definitely had some big shifts while working through the course material – I feel so much more inspired about my business after doing your course – so thank you! I also loved the meditations – I haven’t listened to all of them yet, but I love the drum in the background – it really worked for me.
Thanks again for the course – you have such a natural gift of inspiring others in their businesses – I feel very lucky to have stumbled upon this course when I did.”
Warm Regards,
Kate Fisher, Daily Tarot Girl, Intuitive Tarot Card Reader, Writer, Dancer and Life Coach.
“Kris Katsuko Oster is a wise woman with the unique ability to open your heart and soul to your own unique talents and special gifts. She is a multi-talented leader. Her knowledge and experience is rich and covers a broad range of areas: goddess history, myth, healing, feminism, female empowerment, visualization, meditation, shamanism, marketing, entrepreneurship, promoting your business online, website development, and drumming.
I’m always amazed at how her sessions bring me to deep insights that I’d never found when working alone. The best thing about Kris’ work is that she helps you come up with practical ways to implement your insights. We’ve all been to spiritual or self-development workshops feeling inspired only to have our great ideas fizzle out. Kris’ unique ability to help participants integrate the new depths and knowledge into their lives is profound.
What she offers is truly life-changing, uplifting work. She helps you step into your power and use it for good. With her business coaching, she has practical, easy ways to help you ‘get going’ on things you’ve been putting off for far too long. Ever since I discovered her work two years ago, I’ve been signing up for everything she offers because it works. I always walk away from her classes empowered, feeling more connected, more capable, and excited about life! In short, Kris heals, inspires, motivates, and helps her clients move forward on their journey with ease, delight, and fun!”
–Charlotte Cressey is an animal liberation activist and educator, feminist, creator of Earth Energy Yoga, a certified Chopra Center Meditation Instructor, lover of life, and enthusiast for the many benefits of a vegan lifestyle. Connect at www.CharlotteCressey.com
“I have had the pleasure of working with Kris both as a coach and a customer. Let me tell you, THAT mermaid marketing maven is the REAL deal!
My business has done a complete 180 since taking my first class with her, and my sales have almost tripled. She has taught me that singing my siren song and trying to sell to others doesn’t have to feel icky. She has also challenged me to leverage my time and resources more effectively so that I don’t have to kill myself to get things accomplished.
Kris’ refreshing class and product offerings have created another devoted customer for as long as we swim in the same sea.”
—Angelique Mroczka, Owner of Pagan Writers Press and Word Whisper at DivineWriter.net
Photo by Pamela Sloane
“My experience working with Kris has been A+. First of all, she designed a most aesthetic and easily-navigable web site. Then, she has been instrumental in assisting me in promoting my new work. Her video for my new book, RITING MYTH, MYTHIC WRITING: PLOTTING YOUR PERSONAL STORY was masterfully edited to make me appear as if I knew what I was talking about.
My recommendation: If you are thinking of creating or updating your website
or want to use social networking for your own work, you will not do better
than Kris Oster as your guide and companion on any undertaking.”
–Dennis Slattery Ph.D., www.DennisPSlattery.com, is a prolific and soulful author and Core Faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute.
“Dear Kris:
Thank you for such a fabulous day of learning and manifesting. I left with so much inspiration and excitement.
The best part of your training was: A sublime mix of soul and mind. To learn to use my heart energy to manifest the opportunities to fulfill my “dharma” and allowing ease and grace to support me is the new way of doing business. Forget pressuring people, forget feeling desperate and stressed out. Connecting to my muse in guided meditation with Kris, right there in the middle of a marketing workshop, was the best possible way to learn the art of being in my true dharma. Kris is paving a new way of doing business.”
–Aparna Khanolkar, www.TheMistressofSpice.com, Ayurvedic Consultant & Educator | Co-Founder, Grace, Power and Beauty, www.GracePowerAndBeauty.com
“Kris is clear and grounded in everything she says and does. She is funny, even self-deprecating, which is delightful in that despite her incredibly busy life and the folly that inevitably happens, her presence is always available and her work always of the highest quality and integrity. I like her willingness to go with the flow and follow her keen instincts in what is happening as well as her clear insight into when it is time to set clear boundaries, work hard, and get the job done. The hard work is always well rewarded and generative. Whether it be an important ritual, music, drumming, marketing, writing, it is a life affirming full experience.
I can highly recommend her Elite + Fabulous Marketing Lab and any content/products she produces. Her music and meditation vision journeys are life changing in that she leaves enough space for your own imagination to create images and figures and surroundings you need in your life at the time of listening. I am extremely eager to read her novel, and to get her next vision journeys and everything that follows.”
Elizabeth Ann Robinson, RN, CNS, PhD
Santa Barbara, California
Author of Soul of the Nurse
“Your workshop on the divine inner feminine was just what my wilted spirit needed. It was thrilling to hold the ancient tradition of connecting with our ancesters in the cyberspace age of teleconferencing. Even your drumming worked over the weblines to create a safe, relaxed space. My slumbering self woke up as you shared your own experiences so I could connect to deeply to my own body with love and compassion. Through your gentle guidance I met up with one of my inner feminine aspects whose name is Esther – she had a lot to say – great advice!!. Afterwards I did some research and found the Biblical story of Esther that generated another layer of appreciation and that was completely appropriate to my current circumstance – coincidentally it was Purim, too. Can’t wait for the next webshop!!”
– Joan Griffiths
“If you haven’t attended one of Kris’s sessions, you really don’t know what you’re missing. She’s a great facilitator, and she really knows her stuff. I recently attended her Elite + Fabulous on-line marketing series. I learned so much. And I gained so much clarity about my own personal goals and desires and how they related to the business I am currently in the process of creating. Kris really helped me to get to the heart of the matter. She also shared some rockin’ marketing ideas. I’ve attended many of Kris’s classes and circles; and I have to be honest, she never ceases to amaze me.” –Diana Crago, Astrologer/Gardener
“Kris’s online classes are packed with great information. She is an amazing teacher who offers the convenience of participating from home for online classes. I’ve taken several of her classes and give them all an A+. She has encouraged my creative juices to flow, bringing forth amazing insights and clarity into what I most want to do next. Thank you Kris!” –Tina Locklear, Lawyer/Animal Rights Champion
“Kris Oster, in addition to her great research skills, is smart and sensitive. Her seminar is upbeat and informative. Each participant receives one-on-one feedback tailored to her needs, along with the tools to bring her unique project to life. Terrific!” –Paula Sharp-Salvarakis, Ph.D., Mythologist/Budding Screenwriter
“I have taken several on-line classes with Kris and have never been disappointed. She is an excellent teacher/facilitator. She teaches not just to inform–but to transform. Her guided journeys are not only eye opening, they are heart opening. I appreciate Kris and all that she has taught me, and I will continue to take classes with her and encourage others to do likewise.”
– Diana Crago, AKA Phoenix Rising
“The Living in Bliss course was truly a transformational experience. Kris’s research in both western thought, and mythic traditions from around the world, provides a rich tapestry of information and viewpoints for her students to pull from, and make their own. Through guided meditation exercises and heartfelt group dialogue, I was given the necessary tools and modalities to tap into the inner-psyche and explore uncharted territories within. I highly recommend the Living in Bliss course for anyone who is interested in tapping into the wealth of insight that lies within.”
-Sonny Abegaze
“Kris’ style of teaching, combining lecture, image, word, meditation and sharing of personal experience, was a successful invitation to deeper knowing within myself. I was able to easily access knowing within myself that was relevant and profound.”
– Licia Berry
“I already knew Kris as a creative and soulful person before I took the Living in Bliss course, but I didn’t suspect how powerful her idea was. She is the living embodiment of her own proposition: that the mythic is real, and you can use the here and now (i.e. technology) to connect with the there and then (i.e. deep memories and patterns), and integrate them into your self. She is doing it herself, and is her own first role model!”
-Andrew Duncan
“Through your Living in Bliss course, I was able to confront fears regarding my sexuality and upbringing that had been brewing in my subconsious for over 20 years. The teleconference format of the course gave me both the community and anonymity I needed to share my innermost secrets, and gain the healing that I deserve.”
– Jewel Love