The Holiday Slowdown: Fact or Fiction?


Creatives and Soulpreneurs around the world are groaning …

and stressing about the holidays and lack of sales.

{cue the little violins.}

“Nobody wants coaching at the end of the year because they’re all on vacation.”

“No one has money to buy my art because they can’t afford it after buying all of the prezzies.”

“People are too busy to care about what I have to offer.”

Sweet cheeks, I could blow sunshine up your bum and say, “Oh, these are just stories. You’ll be fine.”

But I won’t. I’ll tell you the truth.

If you’re an artist, healer, musician, writer, teacher, coach or other service provider, the holidays can be a big ball of glittery stress when it comes to bringing in the cash.

And, I know you’d rather feel blissful during this season of slow down, rest and rejuvenation. I know I would!

Apply a bit of your end-of-year brain power to strategize what you can do to bring in cash BEFORE the holidays spring on ya.

Here are some tried n’ true methods:

Many of my friends have bundle sales of healing or coaching sessions that folks can buy for themselves or as gifts BEFORE December 25th. It would work for a strategist too. This is a BOSS move.


  • Your clients love you because you’re helping them organize their biz budget for the next quarter and possibly the year.
  • Your clients love you because not only will they lock in their own coaching/healing treatments for the year but they can also buy a gift for a dear friend or family member.
  • Your clients love you because you’re saving them money by offering them a “buy now, buy early” discount.

Lots of my artist, writer, coaching, strategy, healer and service provider friends have print books, eBooks and eCourses that they can bundle or simply put on sale BEFORE December 25th. This is another BOSS move.


  • Your customers have been waiting all year, or longer, to get your best-selling self-guided crystal healing certification or how to draw a beautiful face tutorial that you offered some time ago. Take something that you’ve already made and shout from the rooftops all over the social media universe and to your newsletter that it’s on SALE.
  • Don’t have any books, digital courses or tutorials to offer, but have been dying to do one? Create a PRE-SALE event or a Kickstarter! It’s a great way to test if your people truly want and need something that you’d like to create and sell.
  • Bundle up a suite of your products that would make your customers’ lives brighter and easier. Again, they’ll love you for it.

Another trend I’ve been observing in the world of entrepreneurs is creating joint ventures to do end of year self-care accountability groups or Desire Mapping or a year end cleansing ritual. These seem to be selling like hot cakes!

No more moaning allowed … unless it’s the GOOD kind. And I think you know what I mean…

Figure out what you’ve got to give now and SELL it.

If you’d like my help to strategize + plan your holiday and 2016 launches, and want to have someone do the dirty work for ya (such as sparkling up your sales page, and writing emails and social media promotional copy) I too have a pre-holiday sale that will have you whistling Deck the Halls as you’re getting all those “You have received a payment” notifications from PayPal.


Sovereign of your Realm is your 1-1 intensive that will boost you ahead of all the peeps waiting for their big launch moment in January 2016.

Why wait?! You can make a difference in your business AND in your clients’ lives NOW.

Here’s your life after we work together … you will:

  • remember how valuable you are.
  • get clear about how to spread your siren song throughout the interwebs without being pushy or “sales-y”
  • feel relaxed and pleasured as you BARELY work over the holidays to prepare for launch time
  • wake up excited about running your business.
  • get emails from clients telling you how you’ve changed their lives for the better.
  • have the extra cash for a relaxing getaway, or two, before the New Year’s rush begins.

Get Sovereign of Your Realm before time runs out!

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With oceans of love + devotion,



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