You cannot be in the past or the future when you are experiencing pleasure.
Looking backwards and forwards is the narcotic of an anxiety-stricken society that has forgotten its earthly roots.
Cocaine, cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, caffeine, porn can all be addictions, but they are not to be confused with pleasures.
A pleasure is not an addiction.
An addiction is a nightmare from which one can’t awaken without angelic support.
When we are fully present and in our pleasure, we are fully embodied.
Pleasure evokes …
Joy, not fear.
Being, not doing.
True love, not lost selves.
Devotion, not forgetfulness.
It’s when you get lost in a beautiful work of art.
It’s the first bite of luscious dark chocolate melting on your tongue.
It’s when you watch a wild deer walking through the shadowy green forest.
It invites you into a incandescent mystery, intoxicating your soul like a lover’s kiss.
Jesus said, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)
Honor life. Believe that each of God’s creations has a right to be free + sovereign.
Pleasure is God’s sacred gift given at birth, unconditionally, without strings attached.
Give pleasure and be pleasured.