“Discovering what you wanna be when you grow up is a process. There are skills to identify, values to name, responsibilities to consider, questions to ask & get answered, truths to uncover, false beliefs to conquer, and tons of self-reflection to, um, reflect on. It’s no quick fix…” – by Michelle Ward.
I found Michelle through Danielle LaPorte’s Spark Kit, now a best-selling published book The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful and Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms. I love being a part of her vital coaching group called the Clubhouse. Something I talk about a lot is marinating: waiting for something to sink in, take root, before we take flight. It’s what most level-headed people call “procrastination” and sounds so much nicer to use a cooking metaphor, don’t you think? (Plus, level-headed is way over rated in my book, and in Michelle’s.)
Sometimes, not taking action scares the bejeezus out of us. It’s hard to sit still. It’s hard to be patient and allow your process to flow its full course. But, those stand-still moments, where we just breathe, meditate, plan, ruminate and PLAY are the fodder for our richest offerings. Our creativity doesn’t respond to answers; it responds to living in the questions.
Michelle offered her top 3 ways to “marinate,” a.k.a. living in the questions:
Michelle jumped in as a contributor for my eBook The Goddess Guide to Business Bliss due out August 20th. Pre-order for just $9 until August 19th. You don’t want to miss out on this one.
I’m so excited to release this eBook to the world. Solid, practical and soulful advice for all women to find their blissful path in business.
Delicious words to marinate by, no?