You have all the answers within.

Lisa Beck, Lisa Beck Living

Lisa Beck, Lisa Beck Living. Photo by r.s. thurston photography.

“So many of us, myself included, seem to be on this never ending quest towards ‘better’.

It is in our nature to want to grow and evolve into a better partner, mother, sister, daughter, entrepreneur, etc. I believe this is why we are here, to evolve as humans, as souls, as pure consciousness. There is an inner yearning, or pull towards more and more greatness.

But in this quest we sometimes lose ourselves. We think that all of the answers are outside of ourselves, and we continue to search for the next best piece of wisdom or to find the answers to all of our problems from the so-called “experts.” If we really listen to our teachers and gurus, we will hear them say that WE have the power and the wisdom within. We have the answers. That it is simply about getting in touch and making friends with our inner guru.” — Lisa Beck, “You Have the Power + Wisdom to Rock Your Biz + Life”

Amen Sister!

Our minds rarely have the answers we seek. And, even though I believe in continuing education and know the importance of asking for outside help to enhance aspects of ourselves and business that we aren’t as knowledgeable about, the truth is that we have all the answers we need within.

It’s as simple as closing our eyes and feeling into our lower abdominal area; the seat of inner wisdom we sometimes call “gut instinct.”

When we become quiet and still the wisdom bubbles up.

Lisa is a community-building and nurturing leader. I go to her for support with all things having to do with tending my physical body, the sacred temple of my soul. She is an expert tender of the sacred temple.

Lisa generously gives her time to answer my questions and is always a thoughtful friend, advisor and cheerleader.

Lucky me, right?

And, lucky you! Lisa has published an eBook entitled, “8-Week Wellness Plan.” Filled with lots of inspiration, delicious recipes, simple workout videos and affirmations to help you remember to love your body.

I love doing the warm-up sequence in the mornings and anytime I need a little jolt of grounding and energizing. If you’re feeling isolated and alone when it comes to staying on a health regimen, this eBook will be a dear companion and cheerleader on your journey.

Get it now, you’ll love it!

Lisa lovingly and enthusiastically climbed on board as a contributor for my eBook, The Goddess Guide to Business Bliss due out August 20th.

Pre-order for just $9 until August 19th. You’ll support me, all of the contributors AND impoverished women in India. $4 of each copy sold will go to Yoga Gives Back so these women can have access to micro loans. With just $25, women in India can start their own businesses and children and orphans can go to school.


© 2023 Kris Seraphine. All rights reserved.