Mythic Writer’s Circle Sept. 13 – Oct. 18 2011

I’m forming a new circle/workshop that will begin in September The Writer’s Mythic Journey: A Circle of Discovery & Support.

Live IN-PERSON (Santa Barbara, CA) and OVER THE VIRTUAL AIRWAVES via phone or GoToMeeting.

Part 1: Character & Archetype
A Circle in Workshop Format for New and Experienced Writers

What are the qualities that make a great character (and a great story line) that we can relate to and love? We’ll begin with studying the characters we know best, ourselves, and the archetypal resonances working behind-the-scenes of our lives.

We’ll then move on to study and develop our own characters. We’ll sketch out basic plots, following Vogler’s mythic structure (these will be fleshed out in Part 2 of the series) and breathe life into our characters so that they become REAL.

I’ll open the circle with body-prayer and will include short lecture, guided meditations and visualizations, writing exercises and non-judgemental sharing of our work.

Note: no self-criticism or negative feedback allowed in this circle. This is going to be a safe, fun and fulfilling experience for all.

When: 6 Tuesdays, Sept. 13 – Oct. 18. Time: 5:30-7:10pm.

Where: Physical Location at private residence in SB (address given upon registration). Live IN-PERSON and OVER THE VIRTUAL AIRWAVES via phone or GoToMeeting.
So you can live in SB, you can live in Canada, Wherever … and connect with this amazing circle!

Materials: Journal, pen/pencil, blanket, comfortable clothes, and please purchase “The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers” 3rd Edition, by Christopher Vogler.

Contact: Kris Oster, or 323.363.1378 (cell)

Early Bird Price (before Sept. 1): $120, Regular Price: $140. Payment plans available. Pre-Payment of $60 required for registration (can apply to early bird price if deposit is received by Sept. 1st.

Pay Online w/PayPal:

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