So grateful for my Mer/maid guides.

r.s. thurston photography, 2012

I am so grateful to my Mer guide known as Morgen, who is actually a conglomeration of nine spirits. Today I also had a reading with Sherryl of Tarot Heritage, one of my dear friends who has been with me on my path. I’ll share more about the reading soon.

I’m so grateful for Sherryl too!

Here’s what came through as I was writing my book, my fantasy memoir, My Life as a Mermaid.

Realize how you are a revolutionary.

You can change lives by simply breathing.

Live your life as an art piece; as you channel in the images and stories given to you by the Cosmos, Great Spirit, God/dess, or Morgen herself, throw them in front of you and walk through.

Just do that every day.

Let your life write your book, create your film, design your website.

And, are you on my Mermaid mailing list? In November 2012 I’ll launch my monthly mermaid channelings and give you a sneak peek at early chapters as I’m writing the book.


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