Photo by Ray Powers.
Right now my energy is drawn to ritual, dance, drum, trance and meditation. Even though it is Spring, I am still feeling the call, the dance of awakening in my bones. Exhaustion is giving way to recovery, let’s just say.
But the call is to go deeper into my magic. Into tarot, alchemy and astrology through soul journeying. On Sunday, I returned to Glastonbury/Avalon where I experienced Gwyn Ap Nudd at the opening of the Tor and Morgen leFay in her healing chambers.
Painting of Gwyn And White Hart by Yuri Leitch
Gwyn has been with me since I first attended Pacifica Graduate Institute. My first trip to Glastonbury Tor was in 2002, and less than a month later I not only had discovered this gem of Mythological Studies but had applied, enrolled and began my first semester of grad school.
He is the King of Annwn and in particular he rules the Otherworld beneath the grassy Tor. His swift and strong energy swept me over the threshold of doubt and uncertainty, straight into one of the most important decisions of my life. Whenever he appears to me in visions, I know that I’m about to be swept up by the winds of change. As uncomfortable as that makes me, Gwyn always protects and transports me into the direction of my true desires.
In contrast, Morgen’s visit was gentle as she ushered me into her healing tent. Some of her helpers literally carried me on a stretcher covered with animal furs and laid me down. At first I panicked and asked her if I was truly too ill to enter her tent on my own two feet. She smiled and let me know that worry was unnecessary. Morgen stated that my energy is in “recovery,” and that in a matter of three more months I will look and feel 20 years old again! (Now, that would be a miracle!)
In the next part of my vision journey, I visited Brigid and Cernunnos in the White Spring; it is in this location where Demi and I held our final ritual for our business retreat Spellbound last year.
The White Spring, Glastonbury, UK.
I first sat on a small bench in the presence of Brigid and sang notes so mystical, that I have no idea how the sounds came out of me! Then I drummed to clear the energy in the space and to purify myself. I walked over to the right side of the sanctuary, where lies the shrine to Cernunnos, Horned Stag King.
He stands before me with naked, glistening skin from the waist up. He never fails to turn me on! His rippling muscles and masculine virility activate my sacral and root chakras. Ah yes. Life. He is the activation of the life force in all of creation. He told me who my husband is on the spiritual plane. He held me in his arms sweetly, and with manly strength transferred more revitalizing energy to awaken all of my energy centers.
Goddess Brigid in the chamber of the White Spring.
Each of these inner world beings had a unique healing message for me. I’m grateful to have ongoing contact with them. I love that I can travel to them with my imagination and have physical improvement! This is the beauty of inner work; I use active imagination to transmit particular teachings and energies in all of my personal mythology, pleasure and business/branding courses and books. I always work from the inside out in my own life and work, and teach the same methods to my clients.
There is an energetic connection between Ojai (where I live in California) and Glastonbury, UK. When I sleep or go deep into trance meditation, I am called by my guides in the subtle realms to travel to Avalon, the spiritual dimension of Glastonbury. They tell me that when I more fully understand that particular dimension of healing, I will have a deeper sense of the spiritual dimension of the land where I live day to day.
Matilija Lake by Ray Powers.
There are treasures here in Ojai that are veiled to me. But, I feel them! The richness and quiet of the land, the feathery pink glow of the sunsets, and canyons like wombs filled with lush foliage and water weave a sensuous spell all their own.
Matilija Canyon by Ray Powers.
Lately I’ve been working with plant medicine, namely ceremonial cacao. I started experiencing the cacao spirit named Ixcacao three years ago.
“The word Ix (pronounced ee’sh) is a Mayan glyph and rune but it is also used as a feminine prefix meaning ‘She’. However, there are complex nuances of this beautiful language, which would indicate that Ix is also a reference towards the words Jaguar or Heart.
I cannot testify to this information, since I barely know any Mayan at all let alone the delicate linguistic subtleties but if correct, this certainly supports my own direct experience of Ixcacao. In my world, She-Cacao is a rich, abundant, sexy Earth Goddess sprung from the heart-milk of Pachamama Herself, a Dakini hand maiden moving and transforming sexual energy for the purpose of illumination and awakening, and a profoundly powerful force of pure Shakti that has an immense capacity to shape shift, with a penchant for the raw, wild, unpinned Jaguar Huntress and the mysterious Black Raven Void.” (Annu Tara, Alchemical-Chocolate Practitioner E-Training Guidebook, p.9)
Photo of Ixcacao sculpture in the Chocolate Museum by Jack Shoulder.
The past three weeks I’ve become more familiar with Ixcacao. She’s opening my heart and mind to new musical and dance expression, and a desire to find more of my inner treasures.
What is being revealed to me is to focus on the physical flow of energy. How does the energy enter my chakras and into my limbs? The life force feels like it is slowly soaking into my cells.
I feel a dropping down. Like ice thawing into a slow moving rivulet, deep in the forest.
The trees are shading all of life here. They are protective sentinels keeping the soul cool and warm as life returns.
I am not ready for full sun yet, although I feel a rush of excitement anticipating it!
This week in my online group Higher Ground, we are beginning our quarterly reviews for the past 3 months and setting goals and intentions for April, May and June. I sense it is the perfect time to dream and be deep in our awakening process; a time for becoming awake and not yet fully risen.
This is more than just a business review; this is a sacred practice that will help you feel supported as deeper meaning and purpose in your livelihood is unearthed.
If you wish to enter into your deeper truths and connect with your own magical energies, please join us!
You can read more about my virtual playground for oracle lovers, pleasure seekers and meaning makers HERE.
Join the conversation by adding a comment below!
P.S. I’m holding two Write Naked retreats in April: one on April 14th and the other on April 26th. Both are include for the price of one at $67. Plus, you get a one month subscription to Higher Ground so you can sample what my 3-month-old virtual playground is like.
During both retreats in April we will be meditating on our sacred lineage of the Temple Priestesses.
We will connect with mysteries they protected concerning union with the Divine through Sacred Sensuality, Story, Drumming and Ritual Magic!
This edition of Write Naked is all about inhabiting your sensuality.
When you are pleasured you feel energized, passionate, enthusiastic. You are in your body – and your head. Out of the Cartesian split. A state of wholeness and unity.