Breaking Through: How to transcend your own glass ceiling.


Do you ever find that when you feel the most happy or fulfilled in your life and work that something negative happens?

(Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu god of scribes, can help you remove obstacles from your life.)

Or maybe nothing happens and you begin having negative thought patterns that spiral you down, down, down.

I never thought these events could be more than just coincidence. Now I’m beginning to believe that they are connected to our glass ceiling, or as Gay Hendricks calls it in his book The Big Leap, the Upper Limit Problem (ULP).

Scenario 1:

March 2013 – out of the blue I land 6 new DREAM clients in a month for $7,000 worth of work.

7 days later I break out in a painful body rash that lasts until MAY! I will spare you the details and pictures. I still have scars to remind me that I transcended a huge glass ceiling in my biz. I had never made that much money in one month, ever! I repeated the scenario in April, which only seemed to irritate the rash even more.

The experience helped me to transcend my false belief that I was not financially abundant.

And, it put me on the path I’m on now to help other entrepreneurs claim their health and wealth. My new venture has led me to co-facilitate a gentle detox for body and soul via the program Clear the Way to a Vibrant Life. You can learn more HERE and register for the first run of the program, which begins just after Thanksgiving holiday in the US.

Scenario 2:

July 2013 – an email arrives from Annika, who heads up Danielle LaPorte’s team. It’s an invite to join Danielle LaPorte, Annika and LA-based Desire Mappers for an intimate women’s circle. Of course I say YES!

Then the day arrives and I get a flat tire 3 hours before I’m supposed to leave (it takes 2 hours with little or no traffic for me to get to LA). The moment of truth: will I find a way to make it happen or will I just throw in the towel and bow out?

Strangely, a voice inside of me was quick to say, “Don’t go. You’ll be late and everyone will think you’re an ass.”

I was over the moon excited to receive the invite and be able to meet Danielle in person, in a Desire Map circle no less! The only alternative was to find a way to get there.

Our other car is a Volvo tank that is awesome … and old as dust. It won’t make the trip to LA. I take my Honda Civic Hybrid to Costco, get a replacement tire and fight traffic from Santa Barbara to Venice.

I arrive 35 minutes late. And Danielle welcomes me with open arms and a big hug.




I will NEVER regret showing up 35 minutes late to meet one of my idols.

Just show up.

Even when you’re worried you’ll look stupid.
Even if you think you’re not perfect just as you are.
Even if the world tells you you’re wrong, out of sync or not worthy.

Ah, worthiness.

Was I worthy to meet Danielle LaPorte and hang out with her?
Honestly? A piece of me did not feel worthy, otherwise I would not have run into my glass ceiling.

I am forever grateful for the flat tire that made me 35 minutes late.

It helped me to erase the belief that I was not worthy of the pleasure of being in the company of Danielle and the other beautiful Goddesses at the Desire Map gathering.

Tell me in the comments below about a time when you came nose to nose with your glass ceiling and how you broke through.

P.S. One of the reasons for the LA Desire Map gathering was to film footage for Danielle LaPorte’s App, Conversation Starters. It’s da bomb. You can get it now HERE.


There are 2 comments on Breaking Through: How to transcend your own glass ceiling.

  • This is such a beautiful post! And what a wonderful tale of clearing and breaking through! I often find a contraction follows big moments of expansion. When I first began my business in 2006, I immediately doubted it and did nothing for two whole years! These days I transition a little faster because I recognize it as a natural pattern.

    • Hi Maddy! Thank you for commenting. I wonder if the contraction is necessary … I’m just questioning. I’ve always accepted it before, but now I want to break through my limiting beliefs.

      Love you dearly Sister! So happy you’re my mentor for my wellness biz!

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