When consistency turns into boredom … and low open rates.


Rules. Consistency. Best practices. Frames.

Great to know, but in the end do they make a strong, sustainable and passionate business?

No, they don’t.

I know because I’ve learned from the best-of-the-best. And, have followed advice from some of the worst-of-the-worst!

I’m going to debunk a few of the rules for you right now.

“How many times per week/month should I send something to my email list?” (Rule = Stay on top of mind)

“Should I send my newsletter the same day and time every week?” (Rule = Be consistent)

“Which social media will help me get more business, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn or Instagram?” (Rule = Depending on what your business is you should work with one or two social media channels and work ‘em to death)

These are questions I get asked all of the time by entrepreneurs, young and old, experienced and novice. And, I’ve answered them all.

And, how I’ve answered them has changed over the years. Technology moves so dang fast it’s impossible to keep up. Although, I’ll give myself some kudos and say I’ve done pretty well.

Here’s my truth:

I will no longer answer those questions. (By the way, if you’re someone who loves helping people out with this basic, foundational knowledge, send me an email or comment below. I’ll be sending you lots o’ referrals.)

Here’s why I don’t want to answer these questions anymore:

the basic tenets for good marketing, sales and engagement might work for hundreds, if not thousands, of other people, but they have not worked for me or served me as well as I would’ve liked. (In general. Of course, there are exceptions.)

For the better part of two years (2011-2013) I emailed you at least four times per month.
Sales have not been through the roof. Open rates were steady at 18-20% and click rates clocked in at a measly 1-3%.

In October of 2013 I changed my whole email format and frequency. One newsletter. Once per month. With one (or two at the most) dedicated emails for special announcements or offers. My reasons had more to do with my energy levels going downhill in the Fall and feeling like it just wasn’t necessary to stay “top of mind” if my newsletter was getting so few sales. (Now Facebook and Twitter on the other hand! Holy wow! Much better conversion than my emails.)

The Results of Flicking Off the Rules

Starting with my emails in October and into my final one in December 2013 … here are a few stats:

  • Open rates 38-45%
  • Click rates 8-12%
  • Sales conversions are pretty much the same.

Being consistent must have been boring you and me to tears.

I redesigned my newsletter/email template over two months, so I imagine that had something to do with the lift as well.

I also introduced very different content; it was a little darker, more humor. Lilith, Adam’s first wife not created from his rib, gave you biz advice … as did Bravura, the marketing dominatrix.

I’m happy that you’re more engaged because what I’ve found is that NOW I’m more excited to create exceptional content for you. It’s what I do best, from what I can tell. At least it’s the thing that gives me a deep sense of satisfaction.

I’ll be sharing my observations of what works for me in the months ahead and I hope you’ll learn from my triumphs as well as my mistakes. These are all just experiments after all!

And, really, all I give a damn about is making you feel something … really good. Taking you to a place that you’ve never thought you could go to.

Wanna sojourn to new landscapes you never thought you’d go in your business and marketing? Yeah? You’ll want to check out Return to Enchantment: Bringing Pleasure, Rapture and Delight Back into the Boardroom. It’s going to be germinal and groundbreaking.

More on this new 12-week playshop in the coming weeks.

Happy 2014. May you be the exception to all the rules and be limitless!

Oceans of love,


P.S. For my birthday newsletter on January 11th-it’s comin’ up-I’ll be giving something away and I promise to write that missive in the nude.

Nude? Yes, you read that right. I have a theory to test out. If I’m nude as I write my next gem for you I’ll be more authentic and truthful. My goddess archetype for 2014 is Inanna and as you may recall, to go down to the Underworld she had to pass through seven gates and give up a piece of her clothing. She stood before her sister Ereshkigal totally nude.

Naked = Truth = Transparency

In the comments below, let me know which rules you’ve totally debunked in your own business. Let’s get naked together 😉


There are 2 comments on When consistency turns into boredom … and low open rates.

  • Lady lady lady… sing it sister! I have been loving your emails lately. They laser beam straight to my heart and to the soul of my life/work. I too made a smidge of a shift recently away from video (how many times did I hear, dahling, anybody who’s anybody does video) to mixing it up with good ol’ writing. My click open rate I n videos was roughly 5%. Now all the 30+% who open my emails have access to the juicy content if they wish. Please write in the nude. Love the visual. 😉 and thank you Mermaid!

    • Gorgeous Kitchen Goddess. Hard to believe that low click/open rate on video content, especially since you are friggin amazeballs on camera!

      But, numbers don’t lie, do they?

      Good thing you followed your intuition. Your writing is spectacular too so the balance will help you get your messages across even more effectively.

      BTW, everyone, if you want to see someone who is kick-ass on video and is a giant sweetheart to boot, visit http://www.mariaschonder.com.

      Love you Lady M!

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