Fetching Fairytale: Tanja Gardner


Our seventh and final Fetching Fairytales for the next month is brought to you by Tanja Gardner of Crystal Clarity Copywriting.

Once upon a time …

tanjaPurpleHair there was a clarity-obsessed copywriter and Joss Whedon fangirl named Tanja.

She lived in the future (well, at least by a day) in Middle Earth (aka New Zealand) and spent her days helping heart-based businessfolk all around the world to communicate with their perfect people. She spent her spare time walking around her beautiful home town, reading about kickass heroines, and dreaming about faraway worlds.

One day, she realised that somewhere along the lines, she’d allowed her focus to get crazily scattered. Not only was she was trying to help everyone, but she was also trying to offer a gazillion different services and stretching herself to the point of snapping. She was working into the early hours of the morning, going to bed exhausted, crying herself to sleep, and starting to think she’d need to give up and go back to an office job to pay the bills.


Rather than make hasty decision, though, she decided to give herself time and space to figure things out. She asked for ideas and advice from the smartest and most switched-on people she knew (including a certain mystical mermaidpreneur mentor-friend by the name of Kris) And she took a break to wander around the magical lands of Avalon and Stonehenge (see picture!) to reconnect with the voice of her own soul, and see where it was guiding her.

The answer, she discovered, wasn’t complicated (although that doesn’t mean it was easy). It involved paring pack, letting go, and saying “no” far more often that she was used to doing. And so when she got back home, that’s exactly what she started doing.

I’m not sure we can talk about her happily ever after moment – because life is an ongoing process, and one of her mantras is “You never know what’s around the next corner”. But she’s feeling a lot more hopeful about the future of her business now (and the fact that she’s constantly booked out a month in advance WITHOUT all the late nights doesn’t hurt either!)



Tanja has been an inspiration to me and a valued, long time member of my enchanted entrepreneurs mastermind: “The biggest thing I’ve got from the Enchanted Entrepreneur Moonbeams + Shooting Star Circle is the community. It’s amazing being around a group of other spiritual entrepreneurs who understand what it’s like to try to build an authentic business in an environment that doesn’t always value authenticity.

(Plus, getting to spend time around Kris is always awesome!)”


Here’s how you can stay in touch with Tanja :

website : Crytal Clarity Copywriting, crystalclaritycopywriting.com

facebook : www.facebook.com/CrystalClarityCopywriting

twitter : twitter.com/CrystalClarity_


Special offer for you, with love :

You started your heart-based business because you wanted to make a difference in the world. If only you could do more of it, instead of being stuck behind your keyboard, struggling to find the right words to describe exactly how you help people!

The Crystal Clear Copywriting Tribe is a FREE community of difference-makers like you who’ve come together to support each other for all things writing-related. You can ask for feedback on your latest article or opt-in gift – discover tips and ideas to make the writing process easier – and get help spreading the word about your sales page once the copy’s ready.

Come and check us out HERE.


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