“Get the Fucking Tattoo Already” by Sandi Davis … a first post in my Shadow CEO series.

Mermaids + Mermen …

For the month of November, and possibly into December, in order to celebrate the season of Samhain/Halloween/Dia de los Muertos I’m hostessing a bevy of bewitching business + life guest posts of the most unordinary kind.

The task I sent out to my friends was this: if your Shadow (an aspect of yourself that you’ve held back or denied) was CEO of your business for a day, what would they say and do?

Get ready for a wild time.


(Here is what happens when I let my absinthe sipping, noir loving, shadow, Margo, out to play. She has plenty to say to those of us holding back and settling- and she is not at all concerned about tempering it for polite conversation!)

Get the Fucking Tattoo Already

Listen Sweetie,

I know you love Sandi’s wise, loving, spiritual, luscious, beautiful, enlightenment shit. So not my deal, but yeah, she does a good job with that.

But I’m in charge today and I do things differently.

Oh, Who AM I?

I’m Sandi’s Serena, as in Bewitched’s Samantha and her cuz Serena. Well, if Serena had a whip in the closet and was, shall we say, more intense and not adverse to a little delightful pain…

Call me Margo. You can think of me as Sandi’s evil counterpart but I much prefer, Mistress of the Secret and Contained.

Anyway. Here’s the deal. Get the fucking tattoo already! You whine, whine, whine, “I don’t know, I shouldn’t, what if I regret it, what will people think?”

Stop living your life expecting to regret every damn choice you make!

I know you want a big ol’ tat across your ass. Well, that is were I want you to put it, a parade of Dia de los Muertos spirits dancing across your backside, oh it would be so delicious! but you want some butterfly lotus-y spiritual feminine thing on your arm. What ever. I want to see you inked, bold and proud! And you do too. How do I know?

Sweetie, I watch your dreams, I know it all.

You are tired of giving it away, whoring it up for appreciation and scraps of life you lick up off the ground. And you’re surprised you are so tired.

Stop that shit! Own yourself. Get the god damn mother fucking tattoo. You know what whoring it up feels like, why not bring some consciousness to your game.

Ever heard of Sacred Intimates?

I know, I know, you don’t reallllly have sex with people, but Honey don’t you try and lie to me that what you do is not sacred and not intimate! You get people at a level they don’t even know themselves. You take these sweet souls down, Sweetie, down into the private corners of themselves that even their closest lovers don’t get to see. You bare them naked and touch them, oh, how you touch them and they reveal themselves. Don’t blush, don’t you dare blush at your power! They have such sweet communion with themselves they look at you like you are the God Damned second coming.

So own it. Sell it. Make them BEG for it. Make the world bow down at your feet and fucking ADORE you!

Just stop pretending you’re nice. It’s old and it is drying you up. Get the fucking tattoo. I don’t care where, just make it yours.

Before I let you go…

I’m going to get all supper coachy for a moment, just in case you think this shit doesn’t apply to YOU because YOU don’t want a tattoo and YOU certainly don’t whore yourself though life and how dare I talk to you like this.

New flash, Delicate Flower, YES YOU DO! God, you people need everything so spelled out!

Maybe you don’t want literal ink, (I still think you really do) but you need to mark your soul as yours in a way everyone can see. You, your soul, your life essence (did I just use “life essence,” shit, I’m sounding like Sandi! See what you are doing to me!) is not the plaything of world. You may not have sex for money (and really what is so wrong about that anyway, you might love it), you compromise yourself for a paycheck, for your children’s approval, for you partner’s wishes every single day.

Truth. Deal with it.

You look a little peaked, dear. Let me pour you some absinthe.

Loving you bad,

PS Sandi will be back soon. Let’s keep our little chat private, shall we? It is so much more fun that way don’t you think? Then I can come back. You know you’d love that.

(photo credit, In Her Image Photography)

(photo credit, In Her Image Photography)

Sandi Davis, CPCC, is a guide, teacher, and intuitive who helps midlife women live luscious lives. She does this though practical alchemy and deep soul diving, also known as life coaching and tarot. Come visit her at www.lusciouslife.com where you can also sign up for Luscious Soulful Beauty, her e-letter/love letter of mystical insight and everyday magic.


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