Guest Post :: The Mermaid Creed

The Mermaid Creed

Whispered from mother to child
by Susan Fodor

Listen to the rhythm of the waves,
Feel your heart beating,
Every breath is a gift,
Embrace life or it will elude you.
Love big like the ocean.
Laugh like the giggling waves.
Flee fear and embrace courage.
Feeling hidden is not being unseen.
Guard you heart for our kind only love once and it is life long.
True beauty is internal.
No wrong is too large to bury in the deepest part of the sea.
Control your feelings, or they will become a merciless master.
Reason is the heart’s dearest companion.
Life finds color in contradiction.
Every tear shed can make you stronger or weaker—you must choose.
There is great beauty and dark ugliness in life, what you focus on is what you will receive.
If you believe you’re desirable, intelligent and purposeful, others will follow your lead.
Never forget where you came from, for we are all water, sand and air.
So listen, love, laugh, feel and breath.

To celebrate all things summer and mermaids we’re announcing…


Seven summer reads, with sizzling sand, turquoise seas, tanned bodies and hot guys! Even if the weather turns dreary, these books will keep summer alive.

Just Breath by Heather Allen
Finned by Sutton Shields
Promises by Amber Garr
Silver Tides by Susan Fodor
Everblue by Brenda Pandos
Seaweed by Elle Strauss
Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper

Enter now for a chance to win Mermaidapaloosa!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Susan Fodor is the author of Silver Tides, her debut young adult urban fantasy novel. A dreamer. Wife. Mother. Friend. Dessert enthusiast. Theologian (Pastor). Australian. Bi-lingual (Hungarian/English). Passionate. Overly involved with fictional characters.
Avid supporter of International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Has eclectic taste in music, food, and clothing. Enjoys taking random photos of Tuvok her cat. And always has time to look for the best in people.

For release dates, contests and random musings:
Twitter: @SusanFodorBooks
Silver Tides Amazon Link:


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