I adore this time of year. It’s rich, deep and PLAYFUL.
It’s SEXY.
I have an imagination game you can play while we’re in the Samhain/Halloween spirit from my book RETURN TO ENCHANTMENT.
Marie Forleo once asked a packed auditorium of entrepreneurs during a conference I attended this seminal question:
“How would you behave if you were the best in the world at what you do?”
Take out a piece of paper and write all the ways you would act, how you would dress, eat, make love, initiate projects, communicate with your team, run your marketing campaigns, spend/save your money, be with family, where you would go on retreats and vacations … you get the idea.
Set a timer for 3 minutes and just let it flow out of you, without editing and second guessing yourself.
Pick just one activity on your list and begin it NOW.
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