“How would you behave if you were the best in the world at what you do?”

I adore this time of year. It’s rich, deep and PLAYFUL.

It’s SEXY.

I have an imagination game you can play while we’re in the Samhain/Halloween spirit from my book RETURN TO ENCHANTMENT.

Marie Forleo once asked a packed auditorium of entrepreneurs during a conference I attended this seminal question:

“How would you behave if you were the best in the world at what you do?”

Take out a piece of paper and write all the ways you would act, how you would dress, eat, make love, initiate projects, communicate with your team, run your marketing campaigns, spend/save your money, be with family, where you would go on retreats and vacations … you get the idea.

Set a timer for 3 minutes and just let it flow out of you, without editing and second guessing yourself.

Pick just one activity on your list and begin it NOW.

Keep shining your light and enchanting the world!



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