Fridays are associated with Venus … in particular, the Norse goddess, Freya. She rules over love, war, SEX and magic.
Want to make the most of these sweet Freya-Day-Venus love vibes?
Try out my recipe for organic AMOROUS raw cacao truffles that are designed to turn on you and your lover.
You can get the recipe from my new column, Voice of Venus, for Voice Magazine (courtesy of Mark M Whitehurst and Kerry Methner) – follow the link below and go to page 26:
After you eat them, you will shout, “Sexual Chocolate!” (That’s a reference from one of my fave classic films, Coming to America.) Randy Watson (played by Eddie Murphy, shown below) was the lead singer for his “special” band named Sexual Chocolate. Now that takes some serious balls … or ovaries, right?!!
And, speaking of sexual chocolate … I recently had another FUN music gig, laying down conga tracks for my friend Jonathan McCeuen’s new song “Taboo.” I was pinching myself when we walked into Parsonics Studio (owned by none other than Alan Parsons) and saw the huuuuge platinum album plaque for Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon–that Parsons engineered.
And, we filmed a music video with my favorite burlesque troupe, The Bombshell Squad.
So. Freaking. Amazing.
I’m currently writing to you from Baja, Mexico! I’m with my burlesquers, going to a 60’s style Summer of Love festival this weekend. Yep. Things should get interesting…
I’ll report on this escapade next week!