Pleasure Bomb #39

[pullquote width=”700″ float=”left”]“I can never leave you,
not for a moment,
not for an hour.
You are in everything I do.
You are my everything.

My drink is your sweetness.
I move to your command.
I am a surrendered prey in your hands,
and you are my consuming lion.

Your soul and my soul
are truly One Soul.
I swear to our One Soul,
I long for no one but you.

In the garden of your grace,
I am only a germinating sprout.
The crown of my blooming
is the desire to be in your arms.” ~ RUMI[/pullquote]

A Pleasure Bomb is part oracle, part declaration…revealing what lives in the quiet sensual spaces of your Soul.

A Mythic Muse with messages of …

Unconditional love.
Sexy, sexy.

But really?

Pleasure Bomb = Aphrodisiac for your business and life.

Want to get this deliciousness delivered straight to your email on Fridays? (wish I could upload it straight to your brain, but we don’t have the technology for that yet.) Sign up for my newsletter list below:

With love, devotion and pleasure unending,
xox Kris


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