[pullquote width=”700″ float=”left”]Recreate Yourself.[/pullquote]
A #PleasureBomb is part oracle, part declaration…revealing what lives in the quiet sensual spaces of your Soul.
Today is Friday, ruled by the love/beauty/sexy/prosperous planet Venus.
A Pleasure Bomb is part oracle, part declaration…revealing what lives in the quiet sensual spaces of your Soul.
A Mythic Muse with messages of …
Unconditional love.
Sexy, sexy.
And, speaking of PASSION …
Generate heat, juice and passion for your dreams and intentions.
Imbue yourself with hot, passionate commitment and movement towards what you love.
When we create intentionally, we make magic, pure and simple.
Here are some journaling prompts to help you feel into the fire of your true passions:
Write this somewhere you can see it consistently each day:
I, [your name], am 100% committed to [write down your intention].
I am passionately and reverently bringing this into manifestation.
Now hold this commitment in your heart space as you dance, have sex with yourself or another, walk, run, do yoga … all of this will help ground your passionate commitment to your daydreams and help bring them into the physical realm.
Let’s share our pleasure, like holy prayers whispered on the wind…to be gathered up by hearts near and far.
Get #PleasureBombs every Friday, delivered right into your inbox and straight to your heart!
CLICK HERE —> http://eepurl.com/CEUuH
With love, devotion and pleasure unending,
xox Kris