[pullquote width=”700″ float=”left”]Love’s pleasure is the glue that binds two souls together.[/pullquote]
A #PleasureBomb is part oracle, part declaration…revealing what lives in the quiet sensual spaces of your Soul.
Your #PleasureBomb has arrived.
Today is Friday, ruled by the love/beauty/sexy/prosperous planet Venus.
A Pleasure Bomb is part oracle, part declaration…revealing what lives in the quiet sensual spaces of your Soul.
My original idea for #PleasureBombs was to keep a consciousness of pleasure each week for one year to share with you, and the time is nearly done. We have one more week to go…
But not to worry. I have some fabulous NEW pleasures planned for you. Coming very soon!
Let’s share our pleasure, like holy prayers whispered on the wind…to be gathered up by hearts near and far.
Get #PleasureBombs every Friday, delivered right into your inbox and straight to your heart!
CLICK HERE —> http://eepurl.com/CEUuH
With love, devotion and pleasure unending,
xox Kris
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