Pleasure Bomb #8.


I feel like Anais Nin; like Aphrodite’s trapped inside my body.

But this is not the trivial, cheap Aphrodite created by strip clubs and Vegas showgirls.


This Aphrodite cannot be contained. She is unbridled desire at its most eloquent.

She is not a whore. She can restore her own Virginity by simply bathing.

She is Intimacy. Tangled hair. Hands strong as as silk.

She is Sovereign. Surrendering to her heart at every turn.

Ferocious as a lion and gentle as a dove.

Intimacy. It’s where I live.

It doesn’t matter if you’re female or male. A wolf or a lamb. Sun or the Moon. I have always loved you, just as each star born showers its light upon you.

If I could have a million lovers and never have sex with them. That is how I feel about you.

We will brush against each other, or hold hands. You’ll stare into my eyes. We’ll talk for hours. Play footsie. Laugh and cry together.

Kneeling and praying at the altar of the One who is the Master of Love.

Your Pleasure Bomb has arrived.

Today is Friday, ruled by the love/beauty/sexy/prosperous planet Venus.

A Pleasure Bomb is part oracle, part declaration…revealing what lives in the quiet sensual spaces of your Soul.

A Mythic Muse with messages of …
Unconditional love.
Sexy, sexy.

But really?

Pleasure Bomb = Aphrodisiac for your business and life.

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