Doing business and marketing is serious stuff right?
It’s seriously fun stuff.
It’s not a four-letter word, but so often we act like it is. People say there are equal amounts of laughter and crying at funerals. Maybe not what most of us would define as a “fun” time, but joy and laughter are a natural part of any celebration. And, a funeral is a celebration of a life (that was hopefully well lived for the dearly departed one).
Recently, my favorite tarot reader Kate, of Daily Tarot Girl fame, decided to do something a little different. Instead of reading and interpreting tarot in her usual wise voice, she decided to don the hat of Veronica Noir, a dirty-minded and sassy aspect of herself. (My kind of gal.)
Here’s one of the readings done by Veronica:
“In all its phallic radiance, the Ace of Wands graces us with it’s presence today! I daresay those sunflowers look suspiciously testicular.
Moving on …
New beginnings! Fresh ideas! Planting seeds of awesomeness!
Today is a great day to fertilize your dreams and start taking those first steps toward making it happen.
Write your bright ideas down and make plans to carry them out. Not all of them will grow into greatness, but one of them just might.
Sexy times are in the air today! Fertility is raging. So if you don’t want to ruin your life with children, take precautions. Otherwise, have a field day!”
Reading by Veronica Noir, Daily Tarot Girl
So, makes me wonder who would be my not-so-acceptable inner character if I decided to allow one to run my business for an hour, day or week!
Who would your character be?
I feel a contest coming in the near future …
But right now, what I want to do is cover myself, my daughter and husband in rainbow-colored paint like the gorgeous Hindu woman at the beginning of this post and run wild! And laugh!
Still, many of us were hit very hard this Memorial Day weekend during graduation with the passing of Walter Odajnyk, Ph.D core faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Each time during the 2-hour graduation ceremony when his name was mentioned, which was more than I could count, I saw his face. And, he wasn’t sad. He was smiling. Big. Alongside the sadness and grief were celebration and joy. The two parties were guilt-free and easy companions.
Before I end this rambunctious and perhaps rambling post, I want to mention another dear friend, colleague and client, Jo Williams. She has taught me so much about the importance of authentic laughter and happiness through all kinds of weather. She is strength, grace, love and humor all wrapped up in one gorgeous, perfectly-coiffed package. She came to my marketing retreat last year and told her story in the voice of her inner Wise Sage Indian Woman, with the Hindu accent and all. It was mysterious, fun and delightful. And creative.
On a side note, I’m celebrating that as of today my June 8th marketing retreat for mermaids, is full and I only have one more spot open! If that spot has your name on it EMAIL me ASAP and I can fit you in.
Here’s to you, brave and inspiring Creature. May you always give yourself permission to laugh and celebrate. May you always remember that the sound of your laughter heals all of us.
And, makes the world a much more fun place to live, love and work in.